Oracle® Solaris Cluster 4.2 Release Notes

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Updated: September 2014, E39651-02

How to Configure Accessibility Support in the trinidad-config.xml File

This procedure describes how to manually edit the trinidad-config.xml file to set accessibility modes for the Oracle Solaris Cluster Manager GUI. This file is located in the following directory path:


Tip  -  The configuration changes made in this procedure operate at a global level on a given cluster node. This procedure alters application behavior for all users of the GUI connecting through a browser as opposed to those authenticating into that particular cluster node. To accommodate both GUI users who need assistive technology and those who do not, apply these settings to some but not all of the cluster nodes. For example, in a two-node cluster, you would configure the pnode-1 node with the accessibility options but not configure them on the pnode-2 node. Users who do not need assistive technology would then point their browsers at pnode-2, while those who do need it would use pnode-1. In either case, a user can authenticate into whichever node they want to access by specifying it in the Cluster Node field on the login page.
  1. Assume the root role.
  2. Disable the Oracle GlassFish server.
    # svcadm disable -s manager-glassfish3
  3. Open the trinidad-config.xml file for editing.
  4. Add entries to the trinidad-config.xml file to set the desired accessibility options.

    See Configuring Accessibility Support for Oracle Solaris Cluster Manager for descriptions of accessibility options and the trinidad-config.xml entry to use for the different options or combinations of options.

  5. Enable the Oracle GlassFish server.
    # svcadm enable -s manager-glassfish3
Example 1-1  trinidad-config.xml File With Accessibility Configured

The following example shows a trinidad-config.xml file configured with all accessibility options.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<trinidad-config xmlns="">
<accessibility-profile>high-contrast large-fonts</accessibility-profile>