Oracle® Server CLI Tools for Oracle Solaris 11.2 User's Guide

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Updated: November 2015

ilomconfig Command Syntax

The ilomconfig commands must be run in administrator mode.

ilomconfig subcommand type [option]

When a command fails, it returns one of several failure codes listed in ilomconfig Error Codes.


The following table lists the options available to all CLI Tools commands, including ilomconfig.

Short Option
Long Option
Displays help information.
Displays the tool version.
Suppresses informational message output and returns only error codes.
Confirms operation. Does not prompt user for confirmation on the operation when running.

When accessing a service processor, ilomconfig can be used over a local Host-to-ILOM interconnect or a remote Ethernet network connection. When issuing an ilomconfig command that accesses the service processor, credentials are not required when using the Host-to-ILOM interconnect, but they are required for a network connection.

Note -  For systems with an Oracle ILOM version earlier than 3.2.4, to use a LAN interface (either the Host-to-ILOM interconnect or Ethernet network connection) you must manually include credentials using the -H and -U options for commands that access a service processor. If credentials are not provided the commands will default to the slower local KCS interface to access the local service processor.

The options listed in the following table are supported for ilomconfig over a network connection.

Short Option
Long Options
This option is followed by the host name or IP address of the remote service processor.
This option is followed by the user name with root access used to log in to the remote service processor.

Use these options to make changes to a remote service processor, rather than the local service processor. When using these options to access a remote service processor, you must use both options together. For example:

ilomconfig list system-summary –-remote-hostname=sp_ip –-remote-username=username

where sp_ip is the remote host name or IP address (in xx.xx.xx.xx format) of the target server's service processor, and username is the user name with login access rights to perform the operation.

Note -  The enable/disable interconnect and create/delete credential subcommands can not be used on remote service processors.

You are prompted for the password for this user name when accessing the remote Oracle ILOM service processor.

Note -  The password required by the remote user name can be piped in on stdin for scripting use.

The option listed in the following table applies to using ilomconfig on a local XML file.

Long Options
This option is followed by the path to the file you want to modify.

Use this option to make changes to a local XML file, rather than a local or remote service processor.


The available ilomconfig subcommands are listed in the following table.

Show Oracle ILOM settings, users, SNMP communities, and system summary.
Create users and SNMP communities.
Delete users and SNMP communities.
Modify Oracle ILOM settings.
Restore Oracle ILOM settings from an XML file.
Backup Oracle ILOM settings to an XML file.
Reset Oracle ILOM to factory defaults.
Enable Host-to-ILOM interconnect.
Disable Host-to-ILOM interconnect.