手册页部分 1: 用户命令


更新时间: 2014 年 7 月

swift (1)


swift - OpenStack Swift client tool


swift [options] <command> [args]


OpenStack Swift                                          swift(1)

     swift - OpenStack Swift client tool

     swift [options] <command> [args]

     The  swift  tool is a command line utility for communicating
     with an OpenStack Object  Storage  (Swift)  environment.  It
     allows one to perform several types of operations.

     stat [container] [object]
         Displays  information  for  the  account,  container, or
         object depending on the args given (if any).  In verbose
         mode,  the  Storage URL and the authentication token are
         displayed as well.

     list [command-options] [container]
         Lists the containers for the account or the objects  for
         a  container.  The -p or --prefix is an option that will
         only list items beginning with that prefix.  The  -d  or
         --delimiter is option (for container listings only) that
         will roll up items with the given delimiter  (see  Open-
         Stack  Swift general documentation for what this means).

         The -l and --lh options provide more detail, similar  to
         ls  -l  and  ls -lh, the latter providing sizes in human
         readable format  (eg  3K,  12M,  etc).  These  latter  2
         switches  use  more overhead to get those details, which
         is directly proportional to the number of  container  or
         objects being listed.

     upload    [command-options]    container   file_or_directory
     [file_or_directory] [...]
         Uploads to the given container the files and directories
         specified  by the remaining args. The -c or --changed is
         an option that will only upload files that have  changed
         since  the  last upload. The --object-name <object-name>
         is an option that will upload file and  name  object  to
         <object-name>  or  upload  dir  and use <object-name> as
         object prefix. The -S <size>  or  --segment-size  <size>
         and --leave-segments are options as well (see --help for

     post [command-options] [container] [object]
         Updates meta information for the account, container,  or
         object  depending on the args given. If the container is
         not found, it will be created automatically; but this is

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OpenStack Swift                                          swift(1)

         not true for accounts and objects. Containers also allow
         the -r (or --read-acl) and -w (or --write-acl)  options.
         The  -m  or  --meta option is allowed on all and used to
         define the user meta data  items  to  set  in  the  form
         Name:Value.  This option can be repeated.  Example: post
         -m Color:Blue -m Size:Large

     download  [command-options]  [container]  [object]  [object]
         Downloads  everything  in  the  account (with --all), or
         everything in a container, or a list of objects  depend-
         ing on the args given. For a single object download, you
         may use the -o [--output] <filename> option to  redirect
         the  output to a specific file or if "-" then just redi-
         rect to stdout.  You can specify optional  headers  with
         the repeatable cURL-like option -H [--header].

     delete [command-options] [container] [object] [object] [...]
         Deletes everything  in  the  account  (with  --all),  or
         everything  in a container, or a list of objects depend-
         ing on the args given. Segments of manifest objects will
         be  deleted as well, unless you specify the --leave-seg-
         ments option.

     capabilities [proxy-url]
         Displays cluster capabilities. The output  includes  the
         list of the activated Swift middlewares as well as rele-
         vant options for each ones. Addtionaly the command  dis-
         plays relevant options for the Swift core. If the proxy-
         url option is not  provided  the  storage-url  retrieved
         after authentication is used as proxy-url.

     --version              Show program's version number and
     -h, --help             Show this help message and exit
     -s, --snet             Use SERVICENET internal network
     -v, --verbose          Print more info
     -q, --quiet            Suppress status output
     -A AUTH, --auth=AUTH   URL for obtaining an auth token
     -U USER, --user=USER   User name for obtaining an auth token
     -V 1|2                 Authentication protocol version
     -K KEY, --key=KEY      Key for obtaining an auth token
     --os-storage-url=URL   Use this instead of URL returned from


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OpenStack Swift                                          swift(1)

     swift       -A      -U
     swiftops:swiftops -K swiftops stat

          Account: AUTH_43b42dae-dc0b-4a4b-ac55-97de614d6e6e
       Containers: 1
          Objects: 1
            Bytes: 1124
       Accept-Ranges: bytes
       X-Trans-Id: txb21186a9eef64ed295a1e95896a0fc72

     More in depth documentation about OpenStack Swift as a whole
     can be found at http://swift.openstack.org

     See   attributes(5)   for   descriptions  of  the  following

     |Availability   | library/python/swiftclient |
     |Stability      | Uncommitted                |
     This  software  was   built   from   source   available   at
     https://java.net/projects/solaris-userland.    The  original
     community       source       was       downloaded       from

     Further information about this software can be found on  the
     open    source    community    website   at   http://launch-

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