To access the configuration settings for layouts, you must open your preferred layout instance, and click the Layout Settings option from the layout configuration toolbar.

The configuration settings common to all layouts allow you to name the layout and add reminder notes. Many of the layouts also allow you to create a page title, add metadata to be used by search engines, and provide you with general information relating to default layouts.

In addition to the common settings, the layout specific configuration settings are outlined in the following table:


Layout-specific configuration settings

Collection Layout

Layout Assignment -
Assign your layout with specific Collections, for example, Gift Shop.

Layout Preview -
Select a Collection from the available list, for example, Apparel/Women/Dresses.

Product Layout

Layout Assignment -
Assign your layout with particular products and/or product types, for example, Women’s Shoes or Men’s Shoes.

Layout Preview -
Add the relevant Product ID.

Cart Layout

Cart Preview -
Add the relevant Product ID(s) and Quantity.

Checkout Layout

Cart Preview -
Add the relevant Product ID(s) and Quantity

Order Confirmation Layout

Cart Preview -
Add the relevant Product ID(s) and Quantity

Article Layout

Page Address -
Add the relevant link to this page address (applies across all Article Layout instances).

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