Click on View Metric Definitions at any time when using the reporting screens to see full descriptions of the metrics detailed within each report.

When viewing reporting data, you should be aware of the following:

Reports reflect current database only

All reports reflect data as it is currently stored in the database. For example, if an order is submitted for Product A but the product name later changes to Product B, the Sales reports are attributed to Product B only.

Reporting Time Zone setting

All data retrieved in your reports is dependent on the Reporting Time Zone setting. This may differ from your current time zone, especially if your country location spans several time zones. Once your site has gone live, any changes made to these settings may corrupt your data.

Tax inclusive/exclusive prices

Reporting data for Full List Price/Gross Revenue can be exclusive or inclusive of tax depending on whether tax has been included in your product catalog. When your product catalog List/Sale prices are inclusive of tax then this is also reflected in your Gross Revenue and Full List Price reports. You will see a note relaying this information within the Gross Revenue and Full List Price Metric Definitions.

Activate Avalara account to determine tax information

Your tax information cannot be determined if your Avalara tax account has not been activated. You must enable your tax account via the Settings tab within the Tax Processing option.

Multiple payment groups used for an order

Only orders that have had all payments authorised and approved, and successfully processed, are included in the report data.

Multiple billing addresses associated to an order

It is only possible to add a single billing address to an order via the Storefront.

If data from orders is manipulated in such a way as to have multiple billing addresses via the Agent Application/Order API then the reporting data will only recognize one address.

Multiple shipping addresses associated to an order

It is only possible to add a single shipping address to an order via the Storefront.

If data from orders is manipulated in such a way as to have multiple shipping addresses via the Order API then the reporting data will only recognize one address.

Post-order submission transactions data

Sales data does not include information on any returns or exchanges made to an order. However, any other amendment will be included.

Deleted items

Deleting published items from the system can lead to lost orders and unexpected results.

Manual price override

Any manual price adjustments made within the Agent Application are included within the Sales reports.

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