By default, your store’s cart, checkout, and order summary pages display a separate tax summary line. You can configure the tax processing settings to hide the tax summary line. For example, if your catalog’s prices include tax, you wouldn’t want to show the tax separately. (See Configure Tax Processing for more information about these settings.)

If you configure your store’s tax processing settings to hide the tax summary line, you must customize the templates to remove the tax summary line from emails that contain order summaries. (Order Placed, Items Shipped, Agent Cancel Order, Agent Edit Order, and Agent Return Order emails all contain order summaries.)

To remove the tax summary line from an email template:

  1. Download the email template as described in Customize email templates.

  2. Make the following changes to the html_body.ftl file:

    • Remove the tax header by deleting the following from the section marked<!-- Start of Shipment Contents:

      items, cost breakdown -->

    • Remove the tax field by deleting the following:


  3. Upload the updated template as described in Customize email templates.

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