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Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 36 Documentation Supplement for Firmware Version 2.2

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Updated: September 2016

smpartition Command

Manages the partition configuration.


smpartition subcommand [–h]

This hardware command has subcommands that determine its functionality.

Subcommand Syntax
Displays the firmware version of smnode peers of the master Subnet Manager.
start [–tid]
Initiates a new configuration based upon a currently used configuration.
create [–tid tid][–n partition_name] –pkey P_Key [–use_grh][–m defmember][–flag [ipoib [mtu mtu][rate rate][sl sl][scope scope]]]
Creates a new partition. The –m option configures the default membership for the partition.
delete [–tid tid] –n partition_name|–pkey P_Key
Deletes a partition.
add [–tid tid] –n partition_name|–pkey P_Key –port port |ALL_CAS|ALL_SWITCHES|ALL_ROUTERS [–m member]
Adds one or more ports to the partition. The –m option sets the membership for the ports.
remove [–tid tid] –n partition_name|–pkey P_Key –port port |ALL_CAS|ALL_SWITCHES|ALL_ROUTERS
Removes one or more ports to the partition.
modify [–tid tid] –n partition_name|–pkey P_Key [–flag [ipoib [mtu mtu][rate rate][sl sl][scope scope]]]|[–port port |ALL_CAS|ALL_SWITCHES|ALL_ROUTERS [–m member]]
Modifies a partition flag or port membership. The –m option sets the membership for the ports.
list active|modified [no-page]
Displays the active or modified configuration. By default, the output is displayed one page at a time, advanced by pressing the spacebar. The –no-page option enables a continuous stream of output without page breaks.
Lists the current transaction ID.
commit [–tid tid]
Commits the modified configuration to become the active configuration.
abort [–tid tid]
Abruptly ends the configuration session. All modified configuration information is lost, and the active configuration remains unchanged.


  • tid is the transaction ID (0 to 4294967295).

  • partition_name is an alphanumeric tag to the IB partition (optional).

  • P_Key is the partition key (1 to 7fff or default).

    Note -  You cannot delete the predefined partitions with P_Keys 1 and 7fff.
  • defmember is the default membership type (full, limited, or both) for the partition.

    Note -  If ports are added to the partition without specifying the membership type, the default membership type is applied to the port.
  • mtu is the number that maps to the actual MTU (1 to 5).

    mtu Number
    MTU Value
  • rate is the number that maps to the actual throughput of a link (link width + link speed) (2 to 10).

    rate Number
    Rate Value in Gbps
  • sl is the service level (0 to 15).

    Note -  Use service level 1 (sl 1) only for low-latency, high-priority, small-message, low-bandwidth traffic. Use other service levels for regular, high-bandwidth traffic.
  • scope is the multicast address scope value (1 to 14).

    Note -  The mtu, rate, sl, and scope parameters are for the multicast group created when ipoib (IP over IB) is configured for the partition. Typically, these values are not specified as the defaults are sufficient for the fabric configuration.
  • port is the GUID of the port, or the special parameter, to add, remove, or modify:

    • ALL_CAS – All CAs in the IB fabric.

    • ALL_SWITCHES – All switches.

    • ALL_ROUTERS – All routers.

  • member is the membership type (full, limited, or both) for the port.


This hardware command manages the IB partitions and is available only on management controllers that are hosting the primary (or master) Subnet Manager. There are two configurations for the IB partition, the active configuration and the modified configuration. When configuring a partition, you must initiate the configuration session with the smpartition start command. During the session, you create a modified copy of the active configuration. To end the session, you must use the smpartition commit command to make the modified configuration the active configuration. Once committed, the active configuration is distributed to all Subnet Managers in the IB fabric where the management controller's IP addresses are listed in the Subnet Manager nodes file.

The Subnet Manager nodes file must exist in every management controller file system. The file contains a list of IP addresses of all active management controllers hosting a Subnet Manager in your fabric. The file should have an entry for every Sun Network QDR InfiniBand Gateway Switch and Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 36 that runs a Subnet Manager in your IB fabric.

Note -  If the Subnet Manager nodes of your IB fabric ever change (disabled, added, and so on), you must update all copies of the Subnet Manager nodes file and the fabric element configuration file. See “smnodes Command” on page 125 and “createfabric Command” on page 21.


This table describes the options to the smpartition command and their purposes.

Specifies the transaction ID. The transaction ID adds an additional layer of security to the smpartition command. The identifier is a 32-bit unsigned integer, returned when the partition configuration session is started with the smpartition start tid command. This identifier is then required for all subsequent actions to the particular partition. Use of the transaction ID mediates changes to the partition by multiple users.
Specifies the partition name.
Specifies the partition key.
If the –use_grh option is used in the smpartition create command, a requirement of the partition is that Global Route Headers (GRH) are attached to IB messages and are used for path resolution requests made to the Subnet Manager. This option provides additional security for Engineered Systems.
Specifies the membership type.
If the –m option is used in the smpartition create command, the default membership type of the partition is specified.
If the –m option is used with the smpartition add command or smpartition modify command, the membership type of the port is specified.
If ports are added to the partition without specifying the membership type, the default membership type for the partition is applied to the port.
Specifies the port or ports to be acted upon:
  • port – The GUID of the port to be acted upon.

Alternatively, one these special parameters is specified instead of a GUID:
  • ALL_CAS – All CAs in the IB fabric.

  • ALL_SWITCHES – All switches.

  • ALL_ROUTERS – All routers.

  • ipoib – If present, IP over IB is to be supported.

  • mtu – Sets the MTU.

  • rate – Sets the throughput of a link (link width + link speed).

  • sl – Sets the service level.

  • scope – Sets the multicast address scope.

Note -  The –flag option by itself disables IPoIB.

If you use the –flag option in the smpartition modify command, you must restart the master Subnet Manager or perform a Subnet Manager handover after the smpartition commit command. Because this causes an interruption of service, if you want flag parameters different than the default, consider setting partition flags at the time of partition creation.
Provides help.


This example shows how to display the active configuration of the IB partition with the smpartition command.

FabMan@switch_name->smpartition list active
# Sun DCS IB partition config file
# This file is generated, do not edit
#! version_number : 16
Default=0x7fff, ipoib : ALL_CAS=full, ALL_SWITCHES=full, SELF=full;
SUN_DCS=0x0001, ipoib : ALL_SWITCHES=full;
part1 = 0x9001,ipoib:
part2 = 0x9002,ipoib:

Related Information

  • Switch Administration, partitioning the IB fabric

  • smnodes Command

  • createfabric Command

  • Linux Shells for Hardware Commands