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Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 36 Documentation Supplement for Firmware Version 2.2

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Updated: September 2016

Display the Toolbox CLI Settings

This procedure effectively reads properties and associated values from the /etc/toolbox/conf/toolbox.conf file.

  • In the Toolbox CLI, display the Toolbox CLI settings.
    [toolbox-cli] show settings [property]

    where property is one of those provided in Toolbox CLI Settings Properties. For example to display all Toolbox CLI settings, type:

    [toolbox-cli] show settings
        ACCESS_LOG                    : /var/log/toolbox_access.log
        ALERTS_CHECK_TIME             : 30
        ALERT_LOG                     : /var/log/toolbox_alerts.log
        API_KEY                       : VyAu4EfcLpDNbf7FJCUmFgXbwd4
        API_KEY_FILE                  : /var/run/toolbox.key
        AUTO_FENCE                    : 0
        BACKUP_DIR                    : /etc/toolbox/backups
        DAEMON_HOST                   :
        DAEMON_LOG                    : /var/log/toolboxd.log
        DAEMON_PORT                   : 9999
        DAEMON_VERBOSITY              : 1
        EMAIL_ALERTS                  : 1
        FABRIC_CONF                   : /etc/toolbox/conf/fabric.conf
        GUID_REPLACEMENT              : 1
        HCA_REPLACEMENT_ALERTS        : 1
        MAIL_SENDER                   : toolbox@mailrelayserver.domain.com
        MAIL_SEND_TO                  : root@localhost.com
        MAIL_SERVER                   : mailrelayserver.domain.com
        PORT_DISABLED_ALERTS          : 1
        PRESERVE_FABRIC               : 0
        PROTECT_FABRIC                : 1
        SEND_MAIL                     : 1
        SM_LOG                        : /var/log/toolbox_sm.log
        SSL_CERT                      : /etc/toolbox/scripts/server.crt
        SSL_KEY                       : /etc/toolbox/scripts/server.key

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