To start the Business Control Center:

  1. Make sure the appropriate database is running and correctly configured. Refer to the Platform Installation and Configuration Guide for more information.

  2. Assemble and start the Oracle Commerce Platform products and modules that you want to use with the Business Control Center. The BIZUI module is required to run the Business Control Center, so the assembly list must contain a product or module that calls BIZUI, for example ATG Content Administration or an application that is launched through the Business Control Center, such as Merchandising. The Business Control Center is started automatically as part of this process.

    In order to enable Preview, the runAssembler command must include the layer Preview switch. For example:

    runAssembler –layer Preview –m PubPortlet MyVersionedApp MyPreviewApp

    The PubPortlet module includes most of the functionality required to perform basic ATG Content Administration tasks, and it calls a number of other modules that support the Business Control Center, including BIZUI.

    For general information on assembling applications, including a basic description of Oracle Commerce Platform modules, refer to the Platform Programming Guide.

    Note: If you use CIM to set up your products, applications are assembled automatically according to your CIM choices. To run Oracle Commerce Platform, start your application server and specify the server you created through CIM. This process automatically runs the Oracle Commerce Platform application that you used CIM to assemble and deploy.

    For more information about starting Oracle Commerce Platform, see the Platform Installation and Configuration Guide.

  3. Point your Web browser to the server where the Business Control Center is running.

    Note: To work with Commerce Service Center, ensure that you are using the Business Control Center that is pointing to your agent server.

  4. The URL takes the following form:


    where <hostname> is the name of the server, and <port> is the number of the port which that server uses for the Business Control Center.


    If you are running the Business Control Center on a local machine, enter the following URL:


    The default port numbers for JBoss, IBM WebSphere, and Oracle WebLogic are 8080, 9080, and 7001, respectively. See the Platform Installation and Configuration Guide for details.

    When the Business Control Center login dialog box appears, enter the login name and password defined in your user profile.

Default User Profiles

The following default user profiles are provided for applications that use the Business Control Center. These profiles are designed to allow administrators to perform initial setup tasks such as creating profiles for other users. They have the following login names:

There are no default passwords for these accounts. Your organization sets the passwords in one of the following ways:

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