You can define your Asset Picker further by providing additional configuration:

  1. Arrange the assets in your tree using any property they all share. See Customizing the Order of Items in a Tree.

  2. Exclude additional assets from the Asset Picker. See Excluding Items from a Tree.

  3. Change the icon provided to a custom or an out-of-the-box item type. See Implementing a Custom Icon.

  4. By default, nodes are named by an item’s display name. Use a different property value as the node identifier. See Customizing the Node Text.

  5. Change the color, size, or style of the node label. See Customizing the Node Style.

  6. All nodes have checkboxes beside them. You can remove these checkboxes for all items in a given view, thereby making items unavailable for selection. See Removing the Checkboxes Beside Nodes.

Customizing the Order of Items in a Tree

By default, the order of items in a given branch depends on how that item’s relationship to other items is defined in the Mutable Repository Definition component. Typically, each item type is organized in the order it was added or the position it was manually moved to. Otherwise, items are ordered by their values for a given property.

A custom Node Sorter component permits you to create a complex sort order that can incorporate multiple levels of sorting: for example, items can be organized first by type, and those with the same type are organized by name.

It is best to implement a Node Sorter component in trees that have a small number of items or a large number of items split across a number of branches. For trees that have 1000 or more items in a given branch, using a custom Node Sorter could affect performance, especially if you use secured repositories.

Follow these steps to implement an alternative sort order:

Excluding Items from a Tree

By default, the assets included in a tree are derived from the treeLinks and rootNodeRQL properties on the Mutable Repository Tree Definition component. You might want to exclude additional assets from a view in particular circumstances only. For example, you might want trees to show users only those items that they created. You can exclude assets from a tree by writing a Tree Node Filter class.

Using a Tree Node Filter class might degrade performance in trees where a branch holds 1000 items or more, especially when using secured repositories.

Follow these steps:

There are several Tree Node Filter subclasses included with ATG Content Administration. One example is the atg.web.tree.targeting.TargetingTreeNodeFilter class used to limit the items in the tree to content repository items in a given path. Also, this component changes the node labels.

Implementing a Custom Icon

To replace icons for out-of-the-box item types or provide icons for custom types, follow these steps:

Customizing Icons for User Segments

User segment Browse node and tree root node can be customized using the PersonalizationBrowseHierarchy.xml icon attribute. The file path is DPS-UI\Versioned\config\atg\remote\personalization\browse

The following is sample code for providing an image in the icon-resource attribute of xml.

<browse-item id="browseUserSegmentRootNode"
    <browse-item reference-id="userSegmentTree"/>
<browse-item id="userSegmentTree"

The user segment child node icon can be modified by overriding the resource bundle: and the related locale specific file. Provide the image path for the segmentIconSwf and segmentLargeIconSwf keys. The provided image should be added to the images directory of the module’s web app.

The following is sample code for overriding the user segment child node icon:


Note: Other icons in Targeting and Segmentation can be customized using a similar process.

Customizing the Node Text

By default, the label for a tree node is the display name for the item it represents. You can change the label to display any property of the item, such as the item ID, by modifying the item’s item descriptor. The <display-property> attribute identifies the property whose value is used as a label. For more information, see the SQL Repository Definition Tag Reference section of the SQL Repository Reference chapter in the Repository Guide.

Customizing the Node Style

The type face, color, size, and other elements that determine the style used for the label of a tree node are specified in a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS). You can change the appearance of all nodes or design a style for nodes in a specific circumstance. Follow these steps:

Removing the Checkboxes Beside Nodes

The Navigation pane tabs and views contain checkboxes used for item selection. You can hide all such checkboxes for items in a given view in the Asset Picker or Navigation pane. Follow these steps:


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