All properties defined in an item descriptor can display in the Details pane when an item of that type is selected. For out-of-the-box items, a subset of those properties display. You can modify the properties that display for existing items, or specify the list of properties that you want to display for custom or customized items.

There are two ways to manage the display of properties.

By default, all properties defined in the custom item descriptor will display.

Regardless of where you specify properties (item view mapping or item mapping), the process is the same: you update a map property by setting the type of action you want to perform as the key and creating a component that holds the actual property names as the value. For item view mappings, the map property is called attributeValues; for item mappings the map property is called attributes.

Use the following keys in an item view mapping attributeValues property to indicate properties that you want to be visible in the Details pane:

To prevent properties from displaying, set one of the following keys in the item view mapping attributeValues property or the item mapping attributes property of an item mapping:

You can specify as many keys as you want for an item view mapping and item mapping. If you indicate excluded properties only, all other properties on a given item descriptor will display. The reverse is true when you designate properties for inclusion. If one key includes a property that’s excluded by another, the exclusion setting prevails.

When you specify properties, use the name defined for the property in the item descriptor, not the display name you see in the Details pane. You can find a description of item types in the Personalization Programming Guide.

Making New Properties Visible on the First Tab: Item View Mapping Example

If you add new properties to the external users item descriptor and want to be sure that all new properties display on the first tab automatically, perform the following tasks:

Hiding a Category’s Properties: Item Mapping Example

Assume that you created several new external user properties in a category you called MyCategory and you don’t want any of those properties to display when the Details pane is editable. Because you want custom properties in other categories to display, and this tab permits new properties, you need to disallow the properties in MyCategory. The steps as follows show how to adjust your view mapping settings:

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