All labels visible in the Personalization area of the Business Control Center are defined in a resource bundle called located in one of the following places:


Resource Bundle Path and Name




Navigation pane tree



Tabs and general UI infrastructure used by all Business Control Center applications



Views and other UI elements designed for targeters, users, roles, and other Personalization items.

Keeping labels in a resource bundle makes your application available for localization. If you want to add or change a label, do so in a custom resource bundle rather than the default resource bundle so that your changes are not overwritten when you install a new version of Business Control Center. Resource bundles should exist in a directory such as <ATG11dir>/home/locallib that automatically adds files to your CLASSPATH.

Labels for custom screen elements should be defined in a resource bundle. If you created a view in the Browse tab that lists all manufacturers, for example, you can provide a label to that view by completing these two tasks:

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