Note: This section does not apply to JET-based applications (for example, the Catalog, Promotions, Site Administration, and Targeting and Segmentation areas of the UI). See the introduction to this chapter for more information.

The Asset Picker is the mechanism that the Business Control Center provides to allow users to search or browse for assets. It is presented whenever users need to choose an asset—for example, when they select the Add Asset to Project option in the Assets tab or specify an asset as the target of a link from another asset. The Asset Picker is also used as the starting point for creating several types of assets.

The Asset Picker is extensible, allowing you to add custom plugin components that support asset search or browse functionality for custom asset types.

The Asset Picker consists of the following pieces:

You can change the default tab that is presented to users when they open the Asset Picker. To do so, edit the assetPickerDefaultView property in the /atg/web/assetmanager/Preferences component. Possible values are Search, Browse, or the display name of any custom asset picker tabs you have added to your environment. (Specifically, the value you enter is the defaultValue in the itemViewAttributeDefinition configured for the tab’s display name.) If no value is set, the Browse tab is displayed.

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