A task configuration file determines the map mode used for each item type and item mapping combination. By default, when a project is present, all items are editable. In this case, the map mode is AssetManager.edit, the item type is set to a * (indicating all types), and the item mapping is Asset Manager.

The case is slightly more complicated for activities. An activity involving an nonversionable item, such as a user profile, uses the same settings as a project. For versionable assets, the item type and item mapping values are the same, but the map mode restricts users to view-only mode because AssetManager.view is used. To learn more about the default configuration, see the Examining the AssetUI Task Configuration File and Examining the DPS-UI Task Configuration File sections. Familiarize yourself with the view mapping settings in the task configuration file before proceeding with this discussion.

There are two customization options available. Rather than keeping the same behavior for all item types, you could make some assets view-only and others editable. To implement this for the AssetManager.view mode, replace the current item type value (*), which applies the settings to all types, with a listing of each item you would like to appear as view-only. Keeping the editable map mode set to * applies that map mode to all remaining item types:

 <view-mapping mode="AssetManager.view">
   <item-mapping-name>Asset Manager</item-mapping-name>
<view-mapping mode="AssetManager.edit">
   <item-mapping-name>Asset Manager</item-mapping-name>

It is more likely, however, that your custom item types will have custom item mappings that need to be implemented in a task configuration file so items of those types are visible in the Asset Manager parts of the Business Control Center. For example:

 <view-mapping mode="AssetManager.edit">

The code samples included in this section assume you are customizing view mapping settings for a specific task, workflow, or activity. To modify the view mapping settings for the default task or activity, you use a slightly different syntax. Both methods are described in Creating and Defining a Task Configuration File.

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