The getAssetType() method is implemented by the Asset Picker container page and is called by the plugin page, which is included in the container through the dspel:include tag.

getAssetType() returns a JavaScript associative array with the following keys:




The asset item descriptor type.


The Nucleus path to the repository component for the asset.


The itemType and the component path, separated by a semi-colon.


The display property of the asset item type as specified in the repository definition file.


Specifies the type of asset being searched for. Can be either “file” or “repository”.

The plugin uses these values to perform the search or browse on the item returned by the getAssetType() method.

The following example is from assetPickerContainer.jsp in <ATG11dir>\AssetUI\j2ee-apps\assetui.ear\assetui.war.

<script language="JavaScript">
  // Returns the selected asset type to the plugin
  function getAssetType() {
   var assetType       = new Object();
    assetType.itemType   = "<c:out value='${itemType}'/>";
    assetType.componentPath = "<c:out value='${componentPath}'/>";
    assetType.encodedType  = assetType.componentPath
                  + ":"
                  + assetType.itemType;
     = getItemDisplayProperty( assetType.componentPath, assetType.itemType );

    for (var i=0; i<assetTypes.length; i++) {
     if ( assetTypes[i].componentPath == assetType.componentPath
      && assetTypes[i].typeName == assetType.itemType ) {

      assetType.typeCode = assetTypes[i].typeCode;

   return assetType;

The next example, from repositorySearchResults.jsp, shows how this method is called by a plugin page:

function performSearch() {
 var assetType      = getAssetType();

 var itemType      = assetType.itemType;
 var componentPath    = assetType.componentPath;
 var itemDisplayProperty = assetType.itemDisplayProperty;
 var encodedType     = assetType.encodedType;

 document.repositorySearchForm.componentPath.value =
 document.repositorySearchForm.itemType.value =
document.repositorySearchForm.encodedType.value =

if ( itemDisplayProperty != null ) {
 document.repositorySearchForm.sortProperty.value =
else {
 document.repositorySearchForm.sortProperty.value =

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