Use profile realms to separate groups of users for unrelated sites on your Web application. Profile realms are organizational groups for external users. You can associate profile realms with Web application sites to separate the external user profile records for those sites. Profile realms establish a relationship between user profiles and specific sites. You can associate a profile realm with one or more of the sites in your Web application.

All Oracle Commerce Platform applications include the default profile realm. The name of that realm is “Default Realm.” If your Web application has only one site, it is associated with the default realm.

Profile realms allow separate instances of an external user login identifier to exist in multiple sites. Multiple user profiles may share the same login identifier if they are assigned to separate profile realms.

External user profiles are typically created automatically by your Web application when a user registers on a site. Those profiles are automatically associated with the profile realm for the site. If you create an external user profile manually in the Business Control Center, you must choose a profile realm first. You can replace the profile realm while you are configuring the new user profile. After you have created the profile, you cannot change its profile realm.

See information about configuring sites and profile realms in the Multisite Administration Guide.

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