Note: This section does not apply to JET-based applications (for example, the Catalog, Promotions, Site Administration, and Targeting and Segmentation areas of the UI). See the introduction to this chapter for more information.

The View Mapping system is a repository that contains items used to assemble the Details pane for a given item in a particular context. For example, the View Mapping system controls display of Details pane properties for a content group. The View Mapping system is described the Customizing Asset Display chapter of the Content Administration Programming Guide.

The Asset Manager extends the View Mapping system to include itemMappings that support properties of personalization items. It uses these itemMappings to construct the Details pane and display item properties as follows:

  1. At runtime, a JSP interacts with the parsed task configuration file to determine the appropriate mapping mode. For more information, see How the Task Configuration File is Processed.

  2. The JSP passes the map mode, item type, and item mapping name to the View Mapping system.

  3. The View Mapping system returns an itemMapping object, which contains the underlying objects that are used to compose the item’s Details pane: itemViewMappings and itemViews, propertyViewMappings, propertyViews, and form handler items.

In the ACC, itemMappings that are used by the Asset Manager typically have display names that are prefixed Asset Manager. These itemMappings support items that are specific to Merchandising and Personalization. When you create custom view mapping objects, adopt a similar convention so all of your objects are easily recognized as your customizations.

Note: The term “view mappings” refers in general to items in the View Mapping repository.

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