Like the assetManager.defaultBrowse activity, the assetManager.defaultEdit activity provides general settings for activities that let users view and edit nonversionable items in the Business Control Center.

The following tags specify the activity and its relationship to others:

 <activity id="assetManager.defaultEdit"

The first attribute in this tag identifies the resource for which all settings enclosed in the <activity> tag apply. The second attribute indicates the resource from which this activity inherits settings. Tags supplied by assetManager.defaultEdit then contribute additional settings, which are described as follows. These tags are designed to overwrite the view-only restriction of the view mapping tags in the assetManager.defaultBrowse activity:

   <view-mapping mode="AssetManager.edit" combine="replace">
   <view-mapping mode="AssetManager.multiEdit" combine="replace">

To determine the item properties to display, the JSP specifies a view mapping mode based on the whether a project is present and editable (AssetManager.edit), or is not present or in a view-only state (AssetManager.view). The view mapping settings provided for assetManager.defaultBrowse are used in all cases except when the JSP specifies AssetManager.edit or AssetManager.multiEdit modes, in which the input mode is also the output mode. The tags here replace the tags for AssetManager.edit and AssetManager.multiEdit modes in the assetManager.defaultBrowse activity because this activity is designed to provide edit access to the Business Control Center for items that are nonversionable.

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