The page or pages that are displayed for a particular repository and asset type are determined by the View Mapping system. Each plugin page is registered as an itemView in the View Mapping repository (component /atg/bizui/viewmapping/ViewMappingRepository). One or more itemViews are mapped to an itemMapping via one or more itemViewMappings.

The Asset Picker determines the itemMapping to use for a given repository and asset type by evaluating three itemMapping properties that are specified as attributes in the <biz:getItemMapping> tag of the container page, for example assetPickerContainer.jsp:

The images that follow show the relationships among the various view mapping items required by an Asset Picker plugin. The first one shows the itemMapping that corresponds to the user’s choice of repository and asset type in the initial Asset Picker dialog box. The asterisk in the itemName field acts as a wildcard that includes any asset in the repository specified in the itemPath field.

This illustration is described in the preceding text.

Note also that the name of the asset in the Asset Type field (in this case, Segment) is determined by the display-name attribute for the corresponding item descriptor in the repository definition file.

The second image shows how the viewMappings field in the itemMapping specifies the tabs that should appear in the plugin. The itemView defines the page that is used to display the contents of each tab.

This illustration is described in the preceding text.

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