Behavior of Ctrl+E when lpn-prompt is Configured as Auto Generate

In the RF Shipment/RF Load modules, when the screen parameter “lpn-prompt” is configured as Auto Generate and “pallet-handling” is configured as Palletize up front, the Ctrl+E key on the SKU scan screen assumes different roles as described below:
  1. On the first screen, after entering the inbound shipment and pallet nbr, you are taken to the SKU scan screen.

    SKU Scan screen
  2. On the SKU scan screen, the Ctrl-E key will activate “End Pallet”.
    • If you hit Ctrl-E, the system displays the message “End pallet <plt nbr>?”

      If you accept the message, the system ends the pallet and takes you back to the first screen and prompts you for a Pallet.

    • If you scan a SKU, an LPN nbr will be auto-generated. The Ctrl-E control key is now displayed as End LPN.

      End LPN Control Key
      • If you press Ctrl-E, the system displays the message “Nothing to receive.”
      • If you enter the quantity, press tab/enter and then Ctrl-E, to end the LPN. The LPN field is now blank and Ctrl-E is displayed as End Pallet.

    In general, in the SKU prompt screen if the pallet number is populated and the LPN is blank, then Ctrl-E is displayed as End Pallet. If the pallet number is populated and LPN is populated, then Ctrl-E is displayed as End LPN.