Screen Flow when lpn-prompt is configured as Auto Generate

  1. Select the RF Shipment/RF Load module which has “lpn-prompt” configured as Auto Generate. TheLPN Prompt is not displayed.
    1. When “lpn-prompt” is configured as Auto Generate, it is mandatory to enter the Shipment Nbr/Load Nbr.
    2. If the shipment’s load is checked in to a dock door, then the dock door can be entered. Once the dock door is entered, the Shipment Nbr on that dock is automatically populated.
    3. If the screen parameter “pallet-handling” is configured as Palletize upfront, then scan/confirm the pallet nbr. The system takes you to the next screen.
  2. On the next screen, the system prompts for SKU and Qty. The LPN field remains blank.

    Enter SKU and Qty
    1. When “lpn-prompt” is configured as Auto Generate and “mode” is configured as Blind ASN Receiving, the system brings you to this screen when it invokes the RF Shipment/RF Load option. The first screen is not displayed. Note the blank Shipment field in the screenshot below:

      RF Shipment/RF Load Option
  3. Once you scan the first SKU, the system generates an LPN Number based on the BLIND_LPN_NBR sequence counter. The auto generated LPN Nbr is displayed on the screen until the LPN is ended. If the screen parameter “mode” is set to by-sku-qty, you are prompted for qty. If “mode” is set to by-sku-scan, you are prompted for the next SKU to be scanned.

    LPN Number
  4. When the LPN is completed, an alert message with the auto generated LPN Nbr is displayed. This message can be enabled/disabled in the message configuration view.
    1. If the screen parameter “single sku management” is configured as assume single sku/restrict multi sku and “mode” is configured as by-sku-qty, then LPN is automatically ended after entering the first SKU and qty
    2. If the screen parameter “single sku management” is configured as assume single sku/restrict multi sku and “mode” is configured as by-sku-scan, then LPN is automatically ended after entering the first SKU.
    3. If the screen parameter “single sku management” is not set, ctrl+E is used to end LPN after receiving all the SKUs into the LPN.
    4. If the screen parameter “pallet-handling” is configured as Palletize after receipt, then you are prompted for a pallet nbr after LPN is ended. In this case the alert message is displayed after entering the pallet nbr.
  5. After ending an LPN, the screen remains on the SKU prompt. In order to scan a new shipment/Load, you have to press Ctrl+W to return back to Shipment/Load prompt screen.
Note: If the screen parameter “pallet-handling” is configured as LPN or Pallet receiving, then the LPN Prompt will be displayed even if “lpn-prompt” is configured as Auto Generate.