Scanning a new LPN in Cartonized Shipments

If all the lines of a shipment detail are cartonised, you have the option to scan or enter an LPN number that is not listed on shipment detail. This is possible in both receiving modules Receive By Load and Receive by Shipment, by configuring the “Shipment detail does not have this LPN listed” message as required:

  • If the message is configured with “Enabled Flag” as Yes and “Auto Reject Flag” as No, then this message is displayed as a warning message, when you scan an LPN that is not listed on the shipment. On accepting the msg, screenflow would be similar to SKU Level receiving/detail receiving where you can continue by scanning the SKU and qty.
  • If the message is configured with “Enabled Flag” as Yes and “Auto Reject Flag” as Yes, then the message is displayed as an error message. In other words, you will not be allowed to scan an LPN that is not listed on the shipment. This is also the default behavior.
  • If the message is configured with “Enabled Flag” as No, then you will be allowed to scan an LPN that is not listed on the shipment. No message is displayed and the screenflow is similar to SKU Level receiving/detail where you can continue to scan the SKU and quantity.

In the above scenarios where you are allowed to proceed further to enter SKU and quantity, the validation of the quantity will depend on the Shipment Type and the screen parameter “rcv_sku_not_onshipment” for the RF option used:

  • When the Shipment Type has “Over Receipt error = 0%” And “rcv_sku_not_onshipment” = No.

    If you enter qty that is more than the (total shipped quantity - total received qty) for the SKU in the shipment, WMS throws the error message "Qty exceeds over receipt error level".

    If “rcv_sku_not_onshipment” = Yes, then the error message is displayed for SKUs that are on the shipment.

  • When the Shipment Type has “Over Receipt error = blank” And “rcv_sku_not_onshipment” = No.

    If you enter a quantity that is more than the (total shipped quantity - total received quantity) for the SKU in the shipment, WMS throws the error message "Cannot receive more than shipped qty for %SKU%".

    If “rcv_sku_not_onshipment” = Yes, then the error message is displayed for SKUs that are on the shipment.

  • When the Shipment Type has “Over Receipt error > 0%” And “rcv_sku_not_onshipment” = No.

    If you enter a quantity that is more than the {(total shipped qty+overreceipt quantity)- total received quantity} for the SKU in the shipment, WMS throws the error message "Qty exceeds over receipt error level".

    If “rcv_sku_not_onshipment” = Yes, then the error message is displayed for SKUs that are on the shipment.