2.7 Network Customization

The Oracle Private Cloud Appliance controller software allows you to add custom networks at the appliance level. This means that the necessary spine Cisco Nexus 9336C-FX2 Switch ports must be configured and cabled. For detailed information, refer to Appliance Uplink Configuration in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Installation Guide. Other hardware components also require configuration changes to enable the additional connectivity. These networks are then configured automatically in your Oracle VM environment, where they can be used for isolating and optimizing network traffic beyond the capabilities of the default network configuration. All custom networks, both internal and public, are VLAN-capable.


Custom networks must never be deleted in Oracle VM Manager. Doing so would leave the environment in an error state that is extremely difficult to repair. To avoid downtime and data loss, always perform custom network operations in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance CLI.


The following network limitations apply:

  • The maximum number of custom external networks is 7 per tenant group or per compute node.

  • The maximum number of custom internal networks is 3 per tenant group or per compute node.

  • The maximum number of VLANs is 256 per tenant group or per compute node.

  • Only one host network can be assigned per tenant group or per compute node.


When configuring custom networks, make sure that no provisioning operations or virtual machine environment modifications take place. This might lock Oracle VM resources and cause your Oracle Private Cloud Appliance CLI commands to fail.

Creating custom networks requires use of the CLI. The administrator chooses between three types: a network internal to the appliance, a network with external connectivity, or a host network. Custom networks appear automatically in Oracle VM Manager. The internal and external networks take the virtual machine network role, while a host network may have the virtual machine and storage network roles.

The host network is a particular type of external network: its configuration contains additional parameters for subnet and routing. The servers connected to it also receive an IP address in that subnet, and consequently can connect to an external network device. The host network is particularly useful for direct access to storage devices.

For all networks with external connectivity the spine Cisco Nexus 9336C-FX2 Switch ports must be specified so that these are reconfigured to route the external traffic. These ports must be cabled to create the physical uplink to the next-level switches in the data center. For detailed information, refer to Appliance Uplink Configuration in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Installation Guide.

Creating a Custom Network

  1. Using SSH and an account with superuser privileges, log into the active management node.


    The default root password is Welcome1. For security reasons, you must set a new password at your earliest convenience.

    # ssh root@
    root@'s password:
    root@ovcamn05r1 ~]#
  2. Launch the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance command line interface.

    # pca-admin
    Welcome to PCA! Release: 2.4.1
  3. If your custom network requires public connectivity, you need to use one or more spine switch ports. Verify the number of ports available and carefully plan your network customizations accordingly. The following example shows how to retrieve that information from your system:

    PCA> list network-port
    Port      Switch          Type                   State           Networks
    ----      ------          ----                   -----           --------
    1:1       ovcasw22r1      10G                    down            None
    1:2       ovcasw22r1      10G                    down            None
    1:3       ovcasw22r1      10G                    down            None
    1:4       ovcasw22r1      10G                    down            None
    2         ovcasw22r1      40G                    up              None
    3         ovcasw22r1      auto-speed             down            None
    4         ovcasw22r1      auto-speed             down            None
    5:1       ovcasw22r1      10G                    up              default_external
    5:2       ovcasw22r1      10G                    down            default_external
    5:3       ovcasw22r1      10G                    down            None
    5:4       ovcasw22r1      10G                    down            None
    1:1       ovcasw23r1      10G                    down            None
    1:2       ovcasw23r1      10G                    down            None
    1:3       ovcasw23r1      10G                    down            None
    1:4       ovcasw23r1      10G                    down            None
    2         ovcasw23r1      40G                    up              None
    3         ovcasw23r1      auto-speed             down            None
    4         ovcasw23r1      auto-speed             down            None
    5:1       ovcasw23r1      10G                    up              default_external
    5:2       ovcasw23r1      10G                    down            default_external
    5:3       ovcasw23r1      10G                    down            None
    5:4       ovcasw23r1      10G                    down            None
    22 rows displayed
    Status: Success
  4. For a custom network with external connectivity, configure an uplink port group with the uplink ports you wish to use for this traffic. Select the appropriate breakout mode

    PCA> create uplink-port-group MyUplinkPortGroup '1:1 1:2' 10g-4x
    Status: Success

    The port arguments are specified as 'x:y' where x is the switch port number and y is the number of the breakout port, in case a splitter cable is attached to the switch port. The example above shows how to retrieve that information.

    You must set the breakout mode of the uplink port group. When a 4-way breakout cable is used, all four ports must be set to either 10Gbit or 25Gbit. When no breakout cable is used, the port speed for the uplink port group should be either 100Gbit or 40Gbit, depending on connectivity requirements. See Section 3.2.9, “create uplink-port-group” for command details.

    Network ports can not be part of more than one network configuration.

  5. Create a new network and select one of these types:

    • rack_internal_network

    • external_network

    • host_network

    Use the following syntax:

    • For an internal-only network, specify a network name.

      PCA> create network MyInternalNetwork rack_internal_network
      Status: Success
    • For an external network, specify a network name and the spine switch port group to be configured for external traffic.

      PCA> create network MyPublicNetwork external_network MyUplinkPortGroup
      Status: Success
    • For a host network, specify a network name, the spine switch ports to be configured for external traffic, the subnet, and optionally the routing configuration.

      PCA> create network MyHostNetwork host_network MyUplinkPortGroup \
      Status: Success

      In this example the additional network and routing arguments for the host network are specified as follows, separated by spaces:

      • 10.10.10 = subnet prefix

      • = netmask

      • = route destination (as subnet or IPv4 address)

      • = route gateway

      The subnet prefix and netmask are used to assign IP addresses to servers joining the network. The optional route gateway and destination parameters are used to configure a static route in the server's routing table. The route destination is a single IP address by default, so you must specify a netmask if traffic could be intended for different IP addresses in a subnet.

      Details of the create network command arguments are provided in Section 3.2.7, “create network” in the CLI reference chapter.


      Network and routing parameters of a host network cannot be modified. To change these settings, delete the custom network and re-create it with updated settings.

  6. Connect the required servers to the new custom network. You must provide the network name and the names of the servers to connect.

    PCA> add network MyPublicNetwork ovcacn07r1
    Status: Success
    PCA> add network MyPublicNetwork ovcacn08r1
    Status: Success
    PCA> add network MyPublicNetwork ovcacn09r1
    Status: Success
  7. Verify the configuration of the new custom network.

    PCA> show network MyPublicNetwork
    Network_Name         MyPublicNetwork
    Trunkmode            None
    Description          None
    Ports                ['1:1', '1:2']
    vNICs                None
    Status               ready
    Network_Type         external_network
    Compute_Nodes        ovcacn07r1, ovcacn08r1, ovcacn09r1
    Prefix               None
    Netmask              None
    Route Destination    None
    Route Gateway        None
    Status: Success

    As a result of these commands, a VxLAN interface is configured on each of the servers to connect them to the new custom network. These configuration changes are reflected in the Networking tab and the Servers and VMs tab in Oracle VM Manager.


    If the custom network is a host network, the server is assigned an IP address based on the prefix and netmask parameters of the network configuration, and the final octet of the server's internal management IP address.

    For example, if the compute node with internal IP address were connected to the host network used for illustration purposes in this procedure, it would receive the address in the host network.

    Figure 2.4 shows a custom network named MyPublicNetwork, which is VLAN-capable and uses the compute node's vx13041 interface.

    Figure 2.4 Oracle VM Manager View of Custom Network Configuration

    Screenshot showing the Servers and VMs tab of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard. Details are shown of the network configuration on one of the compute nodes that was added to the new custom network.

  8. To disconnect servers from the custom network use the remove network command.


    Before removing the network connection of a server, make sure that no virtual machines are relying on this network.

    When a server is no longer connected to a custom network, make sure that its port configuration is cleaned up in Oracle VM.

    PCA> remove network MyPublicNetwork ovcacn09r1
    Are you sure [y/N]:y
    Status: Success

Deleting a Custom Network


Before deleting a custom network, make sure that all servers have been disconnected from it first.

  1. Using SSH and an account with superuser privileges, log into the active management node.


    The default root password is Welcome1. For security reasons, you must set a new password at your earliest convenience.

    # ssh root@
    root@'s password:
    root@ovcamn05r1 ~]#
  2. Launch the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance command line interface.

    # pca-admin
    Welcome to PCA! Release: 2.4.1
  3. Verify that all servers have been disconnected from the custom network. No vNICs or nodes should appear in the network configuration.


    Related configuration changes in Oracle VM must be cleaned up as well.

    PCA> show network MyPublicNetwork
    Network_Name         MyPublicNetwork
    Trunkmode            None
    Description          None
    Ports                ['1:1', '1:2']
    vNICs                None
    Status               ready
    Network_Type         external_network
    Compute_Nodes        None
    Prefix               None
    Netmask              None
    Route_Destination    None
    Route_Gateway        None
  4. Delete the custom network.

    PCA> delete network MyPublicNetwork
    Are you sure [y/N]:y
    Status: Success

    If a custom network is left in an invalid or error state, and the delete command fails, you may use the --force option and retry.