4.3 Monitoring Health and Performance in Oracle VM

The Health tab provides a view of the health of the compute nodes and the server pool within your environment. This information complements the Hardware View provided in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard. See Section 2.3, “Hardware View” for more information.

The Statistics subtabs available on the Health tab provides statistical information, including graphs that can be refreshed with short intervals or at the click of a button, for CPU and memory usage and for file system utilization. These statistics can be viewed at a global scale to determine overall usage, or at the detail level of a category of resources or even a single item.

The Server and VM Statistics subtab can display information per server to see the performance of each individual compute node, or per virtual machine to help track the usage and resource requirements for any of the virtual machines within your environment. The File System Statistics subtab displays storage space utilization information, organized by storage location, and allows you to track available space for individual file systems over time.

For detailed information on using the Health tab, please refer to the section entitled Health Tab in the Oracle VM Manager User's Guide.

In addition to the Health tab you can also monitor the status of many resource categories through the Info perspective or Events perspective. When you select these perspectives in the Management pane, the type of information displayed depends on the active item in the Navigation pane on the left hand side. Both the Info perspective and the Events perspective are common to many elements within the Oracle VM Manager Web UI.

The following sections in the Oracle VM Manager User's Guide provide detailed information about both perspectives, using the server pool item as an example: