AutoPay View Response in JSON Format

The following code snippet illustrates how the tags should be nested while sending the autopay view response in the JSON format:

        "statusCd": "",
                "accountId": "",
                "accountAutoPayId": "",
                "startDate": "",
                "autopaySource": "",
                "autopayRouteType": "",
                "percent": "",
                "priorityNum": "",
                "expiresOn": "",
                "externalAccountId": "",
                "autopayMaxWithdrawalAmount": "",
                "autoPayMethod": "",
                "entityName": "",
                "comments": ""
                "accountId": "",
                "accountAutoPayId": "",
                "startDate": "",
                "endDate": "",
                "autopaySource": "",
                "autopayRouteType": "",
                "percent": "",
                "priorityNum": "",
                "expiresOn": "",
                "externalAccountId": "",
                "autopayMaxWithdrawalAmount": "",
                "autoPayMethod": "",
                "entityName": "",
                "comments": "",
                    "characteristicType": "",
                    "sequence": "",
                    "characteristicValue": ""

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