Person - Web Self Service

This page is used to define information for this person to access account information via your web self-service application.

Note: Configuring Web Self Service. The system provides sample web self-service functionality. This functionality may be used as a basis for implementing a full web application for your organization that is integrated with other web services you offer.

Use Customer Management, Person, Web Self Service to open this page.

Description of Page

The information on this page is entered by the customer when registering for the web self service application.

Note: Web User ID. The sample web self service functionality provided by the system defines the customer's web user ID using an entry in the person ID collection defined on the main tab. The Web Self Service Password chosen by this person through the web application is stored encrypted and cannot be viewed. Customers should change their password via the web application.

The Web Self Service Password Hint and Web Self Service Password Answer are defined by the customer when registering and are used when the customer has forgotten the password.

Note: The values for the password hint field are customizable using the Lookup table. This field name is WEB_​PWD_​HINT_​FLG.

The Web Self Service Receive Marketing Info Flag indicates whether or not the customer has chosen to receive marketing information. The possible values are Receives Marketing Info and Doesn't Receive Marketing Info. This information may be used by your web application to optionally send marketing information to this customer via email.