Person - Contact Information

This page contains information that may be used to address bills, letters, quotes and statements. Use Customer Management, Person, Contact Info to open this page.

Description of Page

If the person does not want their primary name (defined on the Main page) used on bills, letters, quotes and / or statements, specify the desired name in Override Mailing Name 1, 2, and 3.

Specify the Override Mailing Address fields if the person wants their bills, letters, quotes, and / or statements sent to an address other than their service addresses (for example, a post office box). In addition, if the person's account doesn't already indicate that the person's mailing address should be used, you must update this person's account(s). This information resides in the Address Source field on Account - Person.

Note: The Override Mailing Address section does not appear when the Enable Effective Dated Address Feature option type of the C1-Address feature configuration is set to Y.
Note: Both the Start / Stop and Order transactions allow you to update the person's Override Mailing Address and their account's address source using a single transaction.
Note: Address isn't everything. In addition to defining the person's Override Mailing Address, there may be additional tasks you must perform in order to route information to this address. Refer to the following links for more information: where are bills sent, where are letters sent, where are quotes sent and where are statements sent.

If you enter an Override Mailing Address:

  • The Country defaults from your installation options.
  • The address constituents may differ depending on the Country. Refer to Defining Countries for more information on the address constituents.
  • If you have set up postal defaults, the system will default the address constituents when you tab out of the postal code.

Specify the customer's Email Address if you communicate with the customer via Email. In addition to defining the person's Email Address, you're correspondence routing software must support sending the information via Email. Refer to the following links for more information: where are bills sent, where are letters sent, where are quotes sent and where are statements sent.

Define the Language in which the person prefers their bills and correspondence printed.

Note: The person's language defaults from Installation Options - Person.
Fastpath: Refer to Customer Language for more information on options for supporting multiple languages for your customers.

The Seasonal Addresses scroll is only used if the person wants their correspondence sent to an alternate address during predefined periods. For example, the customer may want their bills sent to their vacation cottage during the summer. Please be aware of the following:

  • Seasonal addresses will only be used if the customer's bills, statements, quotes, and / or letters are routed via the postal service. For example, if you route bills to the customer via Email, the seasonal address will never be used to route bills to the customer. Refer to the following links for more information: where are bills sent, where are letters sent, where are quotes sent and where are statements sent.
  • You don't have to specify a seasonal address for every part of the year. For example, if the customer wants their bills sent to their service address except during the summer, you need only enter a seasonal address for the summer.
  • You can enter a seasonal address with or without an Override Mailing Address. If an Override Mailing Address is not specified, the person's correspondence will be addressed as per the instructions on the person's account(s). These instructions reside in the Address Source field on Account - Person.
  • You can enter multiple seasonal addresses if the customer so desires.
  • The Season al periodis defined in the two adjacent fields. The first field contains the day and month when the season starts; the second field contains the day and month when the season ends. The day and month should be entered in the format defined in your display profile.
  • The Status of the address must be Active. You can set the status to Inactive if you want a seasonal address ignored (alternately, you can just remove the seasonal address).
  • The Country defaults from your installation options. The address constituents may differ depending on the Country. Refer to Defining Countries for more information on the address constituents.
  • If you have set up postal defaults, the system will default the address constituents when you tab out of the postal code.
Note: The Seasonal Addresses section does not appear when the Enable Effective Dated Address Feature option type of the C1-Address feature configuration is set to Y.