Printer Keys (Record Types)

The following table describes the different record types:
Record Type Description Notes
0010 Global extract information Required. 1 per flat file.
1000 Letter record Required. 1 per letter.
1100 Mailing Information Required. 1 per letter.
Note Record types 1200 through 1600 only exist if the letter was triggered as a result of a collection event, a write-off event, a workflow event or an overdue process event, respectively. These record types are mutually exclusive and it is possible for none to exist (meaning that the letter was triggered by a user-created customer contact and therefore has no extract merge information).
1200 Collection Process/Event Optional. 0 or 1 record will exist - see Note above.
1400 Write-off Process/Event Optional. 0 or 1 record will exist - see Note above.
1500 Workflow Process/Event Optional. 0 or 1 record will exist - see Note above.
1600 Overdue Process/Event Optional. 0 or 1 record will exist - see Note above.
9990 End of Letter record Required. 1 per letter (dummy).