Contract Billing History

Open Report and Inquiry, Contract Billing History to view a history of all bill segments produced for a contract.

Description of Page

The Account ID is displayed with the account's name adjacent.

The Contract Information shows a summary of information about the contract. The Contract ID is the unique identifier of this contract.

One row is displayed for every bill segment ever produced for the selected contract.

The following information is displayed for each bill segment:

  • The Start Date and End Date of the bill segment.
  • The number of Days in the bill segment period.
  • The Status of the bill segment
  • The Current and Payoff Amount s of the bill segment.
  • The UOM (Unit of Measure) of the service quantity designated as the "graph UOM" for the contract's contract type.
  • The total amount of the service Billable Service Quantity that was billed.
  • The Average Daily Service Quantity is the Billable Service Quantity divided by the numbers of days of service.

If you need to see more detailed information about the bill segment, click the go to button to transfer to the bill segment page.