Bill Drill Down Details

The Bill Drill Down Details screen enables you to trace the source of various billing elements, such as bill and billable charge. It contains the following zones:

  • Search Billing Element - Enables you to search for a bill or a billable charge using various search criteria.

  • Bill Segments - Enables you to view the bill segments of the bill.

  • SQ Details - Enables you to view the service quantity identifiers (SQIs) used in the bill segment calculation. It appears when the bill segment is generated for an SQI based billable charge.

  • Bill Segment Calculation Lines - Enables you to view the calculation lines of the bill segment.

  • Timeline and Billable Charge Details - Enables you to view the timelines which are derived during the membership premium calculation. It appears when the timeline details are available for the billable charge for which the bill segment is created.

  • Pricing Calculation Details - Enables you to view how the amount is calculated for the timeline. If the age based pricing is used during the membership premium calculation, this zone lists the premium calculated for each eligible member of the membership. It also displays the base fee and modifier fee which are applicable for each eligible member. However, if the tier based pricing is used during the membership premium calculation, this zone lists the premium calculated at the membership level.

  • Transaction Details - Enables you to view the transactions whose charges are billed through the bill segment. It appears when the bill segment is generated for a billable charge which is created through the transaction aggregation process.

  • Transaction Leg Calculation Lines - Enables you to view calculation lines of all legs of the transaction which are rated before billing.

Parent topic: Billing