How To Create A Calculated Adjustment

The following steps describe how to create a calculated adjustment on the Adjustment page.

CAUTION: These steps only make sense in the context of the page used to maintain Adjustments. Refer to Adjustments - Main Information for the details.

To create a calculated adjustment:

1. Open Billing Management, Adjustment, Main and specify the Contract to which the adjustment will be applied.

2. Specify the Adjustment Type that calculates the amount, and enter a base Amount.

3. Click Generate. The Generate dialog box opens.

4. In the resulting dialog box, specify an Accounting Date and Generation Reference Date. Click Calculate.

5. Click Freeze to freeze the calculated transactions.

The Calculation Date that you supply is used by the generate adjustment algorithm for any calculations that are effective dated (e.g., rate version or bill factor value).

Please be aware that the Freeze button may be disabled for certain types of adjustments. This is because you can prevent specific types of adjustments from being frozen until the account's next bill is completed. Refer to Preventing Contract Balances And The GL From Being Impacted Until Bill Completion for how to enable this feature on your adjustment types.