A Package That Is Always Eligible

If a package is always eligible, it still needs an eligibility group. Good examples of such packages are shown under An Easier Way To Create One Time Charges.

The following table illustrates how to define the eligibility information in an eligibility group for a package that is always eligible:
Group No. Group Description If Group is TRUE If Group is FALSE
1 Always eligible Eligible Eligible
The following table illustrates how to define a criteria in an eligibility group which is always eligible:
Group 1: Always eligible
Seq Field to Compare Comparison Method If TRUE If FALSE If Insufficient Data
10 Algorithm: retrieve order's account Algorithm: Always true Group is true Group is true Group is true

This group's criterion is odd in that it's not comparing anything. In order to setup this criterion, you have to use the following "trick":

  • Field to Compare. You can pick any miscellaneous field on the campaign. If the campaign has no miscellaneous fields, you'll need to setup an algorithm to retrieve a field from the order (refer to PKEL-ENRFLD for an example of this type of algorithm). In the above example, we used an algorithm to retrieve the order's account.
  • Comparison Method. We chose a comparison algorithm that always returns a value of TRUE (refer to PKCC-DEFAULT for an example of this type of algorithm).
  • You'll notice that if a value of TRUE is returned, the Group is true (and we've setup the group to indicate a true group means the customer is eligible for the package).

We understand this is a little complicated, but this design provides the power necessary to support very complex criteria. The following sections provide more examples to help you form a better understanding of these concepts.