A Package With More Complex Operators

One of the eligibility groups described under Criteria Groups versus Eligibility Criteria has the following eligibility rules:

  • Customer must live in California
  • Service provider is A, B or C
The following table illustrates an eligibility group where the eligibility rules are defined:
Group No. Group Description If Group is TRUE If Group is FALSE
1 Lives in California, current service provider is either retailer A, B or C Eligible Ineligible
The following table illustrates how to define a criteria in an eligibility group:
Group 1: Lives in California, current service provider is either retailer A, B or C
Seq Field to Compare Comparison Method If TRUE If FALSE If Insufficient Data
10 Algorithm: retrieve order's state = CA Check next condition Group is false Group is false
20 Misc Field On Order IN A, B, C Group is true Group is false Group is false

This example is very simple. The only thing worth pointing out is that a number of operators can be used when you define a "comparison method". Refer to Package - Eligibility for the complete list of operators.