Determine If There Are Campaign-Level Fields / Questions

Next, you determine if there are additional fields that need to be captured regardless of the package that's selected. For example, you may want to capture additional demographic or geographic information for marketing purposes. For instance, you ask the customer to rate the quality of service they have experienced (assuming they are a current customer). This additional question requires another entry in our list of miscellaneous fields.

The following table lists the additional fields that can be included in the list of miscellaneous fields:
Misc. Field Where Stored Why Is It Needed
Date of birth Person characteristic Numerous eligibility rules use this field to determine if a customer is a senior citizen
Auto Pay Start Date Account / Autopay Start Date Column Used if a customer pays automatically
Auto Pay End Date Account / Autopay End Date Column Used if a customer pays automatically
Auto Pay Source Account / Autopay Source Used if a customer pays automatically
Auto Pay Account Number Account / Autopay Account ID Used if a customer pays automatically
Auto Pay Account Name Account / Autopay Account Name Used if a customer pays automatically
Auto Pay Account Expiration Date Account / Autopay Account Expiration Date Used if a customer pays automatically
Service Rating Person characteristic Campaign level marketing question