
The Timeline zone displays the account information as per selected month and year.

Displays the count of the customer contacts, bills and payments. Each point corresponding to a particular month-year and entity (customer contacts/bills/payments) are color coded as per below legend:
  • Red: Displays total unpaid amount for the account.

  • Blue: Displays total frozen amount for the account.

  • Green: Displays total freezable amount for the account.

  • Yellow: Displays total ..............for the account.

Hovering the mouse over the color coded points displays additional information of the corresponding entity (customer contacts, bills and payments).

You can select the Months and Years fields and clickSearch by Date The Search Icon to view the entity (customer contacts, bills and payments) details for last 12 months from the selected month and year.

You can use the navigation buttons, such as Previous 12 Months (The Previous 12 Months Icon), Previous Month (The Previous Month Icon), Go To Today (The Go To Today Icon), Next Month (The Next Month Icon) and Next 12 Months (The Next 12 Months Icon) to navigate between pages. You can also directly select the month and year using the Months, Years and Search by Date options.

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