Approval Transaction Log

The Approval Transaction Log zone displays the complete trail of submitter and approver actions performed on the approval transaction. It contains the following columns:

Column Name Column Description
Date Time Displays the date and time when the action was performed on the approval transaction.
User Name Indicates the user who has performed the action on the approval transaction.
Status Displays the status of the approval transaction. The valid values are:
  • Approved

  • Cancelled

  • Rejected

  • InProcess

  • Pending

  • Deleted

View It has a link. On clicking the View link, the Comparison: New versus Existing window appears where you can view the existing and new compared transactions".
Status Reason Displays the status reason of the approval transaction.
Comments Displays additional information about the approval transaction.

By default, the Banking Approval Transaction Log zone does not appear. It appears when you click the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to the approval transaction in the Approval Transaction zone.

You can change the layout of this zone. For more information on how to change the layout, see Changing the Layout.

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