Search Approval Transaction

The Search Approval Transaction zone allows you to search for an approval transaction using various search criteria. It contains the following two sections:

  • Search Criteria - The Search Criteria section contains the following fields:

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Search By Used to indicate whether you want to search for an approval transaction using the task or approval transaction details. The valid values are:
    • Task Details

    • Approval Transaction Details

    Note: By default, the Task Details option is selected.
    Status Used to search approval transactions with a particular status. The valid values are:
    • Approved

    • Cancelled

    • Rejected

    • Inprocess

    • Pending

    • Deleted

    Note: This field appears when you select the Approval Transaction Details option from the Search By list.
    Task Used to search approval transactions with a particular task. The valid values are:
    • Approve

    • Modify

    • Resolve

    Note: This field appears when you select the Task Details option from the Search By list.
    Yes (Conditional)
    Note: This field is required when you want to search approval transactions using the task details.
    Approval Workflow Group Used to search approval transactions created for the business objects that belong to a particular approval workflow group. No
    Division Used to search approval transactions which belong to a particular division.
    Note: You can only view those divisions to which you have access in the Division list.
    Reference ID Used to search approval transactions created for the business object with a particular reference ID. No
    Approval Transaction ID Used to search for a particular approval transaction. No
    Created From Used to search approval transactions which are created from a particular date onwards. No
    Created Until Used to search approval transactions which are created till a particular date. No
    Action Used to search approval transactions which are created while adding, updating, or deleting a business object. No
    Submitter ID Used to search approval transactions which are created by a particular submitter.

    This field appears either when you select the Task Details from the Search By list and Approve option from the Task list or when you select the Approval Transaction Details from the Search By list and Processing, Pending, or Deleted option from the Approval Transaction Status list.

    The Search (The Search Icon) icon appears corresponding to this field. On clicking the Search icon, the Submitter Id for Status window appears.

    Approver ID Used to search approval transactions which are rejected by a particular approver.

    The Approver ID is displayed when the approval transaction is searched by Task Details and Task is Resolve. It is also displayed when the approval transaction is searched by Approval Transaction Details and Status is Approved, Canceled, or Rejected.

    The Search (The Search Icon) icon appears corresponding to this field. On clicking the Search icon, the Approver ID Search window appears.

    Note: You must specify at least one search criterion while searching for an approval transaction. One more search criterion is required when you are searching for an approval transaction using the Task field.
  • Search Results - On clicking the Search button, the search results appear based on the specified search criteria. The Search Results section contains the following columns:

    Column Name Column Description
    Approval Transaction ID Displays the approval transaction ID.
    Note: It has a link. The link appears when you select Task Details option from the Search By list. If the Approve option is selected from the Task list then on clicking the link, Comparison: New versus Existing window appears with the compared details of the new and existing approval transactions. If the Modify option is selected from the Task list then on clicking the link, Modify/Resolve Price List Assignment window appears to modify or resolve the details of price list assignment. If the Resolve option is selected from the Task list then on clicking the link, Modify/Resolve Price List Assignment window appears to modify or resolve the details of price list assignment.
    Approval Workflow Group Displays the code of the approval workflow group.
    Submitter Name Displays the name of submitter who submits the approval transaction details list.
    Note: This column appears either when you select the Approve or Modify option from the Task list or when you select the Processing, Pending, or Deleted option from the Approval Transaction Status list.
    Approver Name Displays the name of an approver who approves an approval transaction details list.
    Note: This column appears either when you select the Resolve option from the Task list or when you select the Approved, Canceled, or Rejected option from the Approval Transaction Status list.
    Submitted On Displays the date and time on which approval transaction is submitted for approval.
    Note: This column appears either when you select the Approve or Modify option from the Task list or when you select the Approved, Pending, or Deleted option from the Approval Transaction Details list.
    Action Indicates the various types of action. The valid values are:
    • Add

    • Delete (DEL)

    • Update (UPD)

    Division Displays the division to which the approval transaction belongs.
    Status Displays the status of approval transaction. The valid values are:
    • Approved

    • Cancelled

    • Rejected

    • Processing

    • Pending

    • Deleted

    Note: This column appears either when you select Approval Transaction Details option from the Search By list of the search criteria.
    To Do Type Displays the type of To Do (notification) received for the approval transaction.
    Approval Transaction Information Displays additional information about the approval transaction.
    Rejected On Displays the date and time on which the transaction is rejected.
    Note: This column appears either when you select the Resolve option from the Task list or when you select the Rejected, option from the Approval Transaction Details list.
    Reject Reason Displays the reason for which the approval transaction is rejected by the approver.
    Note: This column appears either when you select the Resolve option from the Task list or when you select the Rejected option from the Approval Transaction Details list.
    Canceled On Displays the date and time on which the approval transaction is canceled by the user.
    Note: This column appears when you select the Cancelled option from the Approval Transaction Details list.
    Cancel Reason Displays the reason for which the approval transaction is canceled by the user.
    Note: This column appears either when you select the Canceled option from the Approval Transaction Details list.
    Withdraw Displays a link to withdraw an approval transaction.
    Note: This column appears either when you select the Modify or Resolve option from the Task list. It has a link and on clicking the link, a message appears to confirm the withdrawal of the respective approval transaction.

    On clicking the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to the approval transaction the Approval Transaction Log zone appears with the approval transaction log details.

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