Bill Details

The Bill Details zone lists unpaid debt bill details. You will not find any records in this zone if the payment agreement request list does not have any unpaid bills assigned to it. This zone contains the following columns:

Column Name Column Description
Bill Information Indicates the bill against which the payment agreement request is created. In addition, this column has a context menu which helps in navigating to other screens in the application.
Note: It has a link. On clicking the link, the Bill screen appears with the details of the respective bill.
Original Bill Amount Displays the bill amount when the bill was generated.
Current Bill Balance Displays the outstanding amount.
Due Date Displays the due date of the bill.

By default, the Bill Details zone does not appear in the Payment Agreement Request screen. It appears when you click the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to the payment agreement request in the Search Payment Agreement Request zone.

You can change the layout of this zone. For more information on how to change the layout, see Changing the Layout.

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