Division Level Information

The Division Level Information zone allows you to drill down and view the transaction volume details of a feed at the division level. It contains the following two sections:

  • Search Criteria - The Search Criteria section contains the following field:

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Division Used when you want to view the transaction volume details of a particular division received through the feed.
    Note: You can only view those divisions to which you have access in the Division list.
  • Search Results - On clicking the Search button, the search results are filtered based on the specified search criteria. The Search Results section contains the following columns:

    Column Name Column Description
    Division Indicates the division.
    Total Volume Displays the total transaction volume of the division.
    Uploaded Volume Displays the total transaction volume (of the division) which is uploaded in the system.
    Price Item Determined Displays the total transaction volume (of the division) which is validated and for which price item is determined in the system.
    Completed Volume Displays the total transaction volume (of the division) for which billable charges are created and completed in the system.
    Error Volume Displays the total transaction volume (of the division) which could not pass through the validation, price item determination, or billable charge creation process.
    Cancelled Volume Displays the total transaction volume (of the division) which is cancelled in the system.
    Ignored Volume Displays the total transaction volume (of the division) which is ignored in the system.
    Invalid Volume Displays the total transaction volume (of the division) which is invalid.

By default, the Division Level Information zone does not appear in the Feed Management Dashboard screen. It appears when you select the Feed Level Details option from the Search By field and click the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to the transaction feed in the Search Results section of the Search zone.

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