
The Search zone allows you to search for a transaction feed using various search criteria. It also allows you to view the details of a transaction feed which is already uploaded in the system. It contains the following two sections:

  • Search Criteria - The Search Criteria section contains the following fields:

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Search By Used to indicate whether you want to search for the transaction volume details of a feed at the division level or transaction level. The valid values are:
    • Feed Level Details - Used to indicate that you want to search for the transaction volume details of a feed at the division level.

    • Transaction Level Details - Used to indicate that you want to search for the transaction volume details of a feed at the transaction level.

    Note: By default, the Feed Level Details option is selected.
    Yes (Conditional)
    Note: This field is required for searching the transaction volume details at the division or transaction level.
    Feed Header Date From Used to search for transaction feeds having header date later than or equal to the specified date. No
    Transaction Source Used to search for transaction feeds received from a particular transaction source. No
    Feed Header Date To Used to search for transaction feeds having header date earlier than or equal to the specified date. No
    File Name Used to search for a transaction feed based on the file name. No
    Feed Load Date From Used to search for transaction feeds which are uploaded on or later than the specified date. No
    Transaction Header ID Used to search for a transaction feed based on the header ID. No
    Feed Load Date To Used to search for transaction feeds which are uploaded on or earlier than the specified date. No
    Account Identifier Type Used to indicate the identifier type based on which you want to search transaction feed details of an account.
    Note: This field appears when you select the Transaction Level Details option from the Search By field.
    Yes (Conditional)
    Note: If you enter the primary account identifier as a search criteria, you have to select the account identifier type.
    Primary Account Identifier Used to search transaction feed for a particular account.
    Note: This field appears when you select the Transaction Level Details option from the Search By field.
    Yes (Conditional)
    Note: If you select the account identifier type as a search criteria, you have to enter the primary account identifier.
    Transaction Record Type Used to search transaction feeds for transactions with a particular record type.
    Note: This field appears when you select the Transaction Level Details option from the Search By field.
    Transaction Source Used to search transaction feeds received from a particular transaction source.
    Note: This field appears when you select the Transaction Level Details option from the Search By field.
    Transaction ID Used to search for a particular transaction feed.
    Note: This field appears when you select the Transaction Level Details option from the Search By field.
    Transaction Date From Used to search transaction feeds for transactions which are performed on or later than the specified date.
    Note: This field appears when you select the Transaction Level Details option from the Search By field.
    Yes (Conditional)
    Note: This field is required while searching for transactions which are in the Error status.
    External Reference Number Used to search transaction feed with a particular external reference number.
    Note: This field appears when you select the Transaction Level Details option from the Search By field.
    Transaction Date To Used to search transaction feeds for transactions which are performed on or earlier than the specified date.

    This field appears when you select the Transaction Level Details option from the Search By field.

    If you do not specify the date in the Transaction Date To field, the system by default sets it to the system date.

    Transaction Status Used to search transaction feeds for transactions which are in a particular status. The valid values are:
    • Cancelled

    • Completed

    • Error

    • Ignored

    • Initial Product Derived

    • Invalid

    • Uploaded

    Note: This field appears when you select the Transaction Level Details option from the Search By field.
    Division Used to search transaction feeds that belong to a particular division.

    This field appears when you select the Transaction Level Details option from the Search By field.

    You can view only those divisions to which you have access in the Division list.

    Error Code/Message Used to search transaction feeds for transactions which are in the Error status and with a particular error message or error code.
    Note: This field appears when you select the Transaction Level Details option from the Search By field.
    Error Category Used to search transaction feeds for transactions which are in the Error status and which belong to a particular error category.
    Note: This field appears when you select the Transaction Level Details option from the Search By field.
    Note: You must specify at least one search criterion while searching for a transaction feed.
  • Search Results - On clicking the Search button, the search results appear based on the specified search criteria. The Search Results section contains the following columns:

    Column Name Column Description
    File Name Displays the name of the file from where the transaction feed is uploaded.
    Transaction Source Displays the transaction source from where the transaction feed is received.
    Transaction Header ID Displays the transaction header ID.
    Note: The transaction header ID is generated automatically when the file is uploaded.
    Transaction Header External ID Displays the ID mentioned in the file header.
    Feed Header Date Displays the date mentioned in the file header.
    Feed Load Date Displays the date when the transaction feed was uploaded in the system.
    Feed Status Displays the status of the transaction feed. The valid values are:
    • Uploaded - Indicates that the transaction feed is uploaded.

    • Validated - Indicates that the file header is validated.

    • Cancelled - Indicates that the transaction feed is cancelled.

    • Invalid - Indicates that the file header validation failed.

    Error Message Indicates the reason why the file header validation failed.
    Total Volume Displays the total transaction volume of the feed.
    Total Amount Displays the total amount of the transaction feeds.
    Uploaded Displays the total transactions which are uploaded in the system.
    Price Item Displays the total transactions which are validated and for which price items are determined in the system.
    Completed Displays the total transactions for which the billable charges are created and completed in the system.
    Error Message Displays the total transactions which could not pass through the validation, price item determination, or billable charge creation process.
    Note: If a transaction has only one transaction leg, the error message is displayed from the CI_​TXN_​DETAIL_​EXCP table instead of the CI_​TXN_​DETAIL table. The objective is that the user should be able to view the transaction leg level error instead of the transaction level error.
    Cancelled Displays the total transactions which are cancelled in the system.
    Ignored Displays the total transactions which are ignored in the system.
    Invalid Displays the total transactions which are invalid.
    Transactions Archived Displays the total transaction volume which is archived in the system.
    Transaction ID Displays the transaction record number for which the transaction information is saved in the system.
    Note: This column appears when you select the Transaction Level Details option from the Search By field.
    External Reference Number Displays the external reference number of the transaction.
    Note: This column appears when you select the Transaction Level Details option from the Search By field.
    Division Indicates the division to which the transaction belongs.
    Note: This column appears when you select the Transaction Level Details option from the Search By field.
    Transaction Record Type Displays the record type of the transaction.
    Note: This column appears when you select the Transaction Level Details option from the Search By field.
    Transaction Date Displays the date when the transaction is performed.
    Note: This column appears when you select the Transaction Level Details option from the Search By field.
    Processing Date Displays the date when the transaction is processed in the system.
    Note: This column appears when you select the Transaction Level Details option from the Search By field.
    Account Information Displays the concatenated string of information about the account for which the transaction is performed separated by a comma (,).

    It has a link. On clicking the link, the Account screen appears where you can view the details of the respective account.

    This column appears when you select the Transaction Level Details option from the Search By field.

    Account Identifier Type Indicates the identifier type based on which the transaction is created for the account.
    Note: This column appears when you select the Transaction Level Details option from the Search By field.
    Primary Account Identifier Indicates the account for which the transaction is performed.
    Note: This column appears when you select the Transaction Level Details option from the Search By field.
    Transaction Volume Displays the total transaction volume of the account.
    Note: This column appears when you select the Transaction Level Details option from the Search By field.
    Transaction Amount Displays the total transaction amount of the account.
    Note: This column appears when you select the Transaction Level Details option from the Search By field.
    Credit/Debit Indicator Indicates whether the transaction is a debit or credit transaction.
    Note: This column appears when you select the Transaction Level Details option from the Search By field.
    Customer Reference Number Indicates the customer who has performed the transaction.
    Note: This column appears when you select the Transaction Level Details option from the Search By field.
    Transaction Status Indicates the status of the transaction.
    Note: This column appears when you select the Transaction Level Details option from the Search By field.
    Rule Indicates the rule which was met while determining the initial price item for the transaction.

    It has a link. On clicking the link, the Rule window appears where you can view the details of the rule that was applied while determining the initial price item for the transaction.

    This column appears when you select the Transaction Level Details option from the Search By field.

    Transaction Information Displays the concatenated string of information about the transaction separated by a comma (,).

    It has a link. On clicking the link, the Transaction Detail View window appears where you can view the details of the respective transaction.

    This column appears when you select the Transaction Level Details option from the Search By field.

    Note: Pagination is used to display limited number of records in the Search Results section. You can use the navigation links, such as Previous and Next to navigate between pages.

On clicking the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to the transaction feed in the Search Results section, the Division Level Information zone or the Transaction Leg Information zone appears depending on whether you select the Feed Level Details or the Transaction Level Details option from the Search By field respectively.

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Division Level Information zone Division Level Information
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