Editing the Offset Amount of a Debit or Credit Bill


To edit the offset amount of a debit or credit bill, you should have:

  • Required debit or credit bill added in the offset request


To edit the offset amount of a debit or credit bill:

  1. Ensure that the Offset Details section is expanded when you are editing an offset request.

    The Offset Details section contains the following fields:

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Total Debit Offset Amount Displays the total offset amount of all debit bills which are included in the offset request. Not applicable
    Total Credit Offset Amount Displays the total offset amount of all credit bills which are included in the offset request. Not applicable
    Total Offset Amount Displays the sum of the total debit and credit offset amount. Not applicable

    In addition, this section contains the following fields in a grid:

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Bill ID Indicates the debit or credit bill which is added to the offset request. Not applicable
    Outstanding Amount Displays the outstanding amount (i.e. unpaid amount) of the debit or credit bill. Not applicable
    Due Date Displays the date when the debit or credit bill is due for payment. Not applicable
    Debit Balance Displays the sum of the unpaid debit line items of a bill. Not applicable
    Credit Balance Displays the sum of the open credit line items of a bill Not applicable
    Credit Bill Used to indicate whether you want to consider a debit bill with a credit line item as a credit bill in the offset request. By default, this option is selected for a bill with the credit or zero balance and it is not editable.
    Note: You cannot select this option for a debit bill for which no credit line item exists, and therefore, in such case, this option is disabled.
    Hold Amount Displays the amount of the debit or credit bill which is kept on hold through an hold request. Not applicable
    Outstanding Amount (Offset Currency) Displays the outstanding amount (i.e. unpaid amount) of the debit or credit bill in the currency in which the bill amount would be offset.
    Note: This field appears when the offset request is a cross-currency offset request.
    Not applicable
    Offset Amount Used to specify the amount which you want to offset from the debit or credit bill. Yes
    Remaining Bill Balance Displays the remaining outstanding amount of the debit or credit bill (i.e. Outstanding Amount - Hold Amount - Offset Amount). Not applicable
    Updated Hold Amount Displays the new hold amount (i.e. Current Hold Amount + Remaining Bill Balance) for the debit or credit bill which is derived when the remaining bill balance is less than the current hold amount. Not applicable

    The Delete (The Delete Icon) icon appears corresponding to the secondary debit or credit bills in the Offset Details section. It allows you to remove the respective bill from the offset request.

  2. Modify the offset amount of the required debit or credit bill in the Offset Details section.
  3. Click Save.
    The changes made to the offset request are saved.

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