Skipping an Event in a Delinquency Process


To skip an event in a delinquency process, you should have:

  • Delinquency event types defined in the application.


To skip an event in a delinquency process:

  1. Search for the delinquency process in the Delinquency Process Search screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the link in the Delinquency Process Information column corresponding to the delinquency process whose event you want to skip.
    The Delinquency Process screen appears.
  3. Expand the Events zone.
  4. Click the Trigger Events (The Trigger Events Icon) icon in the Trigger Events column corresponding to the event which you want to skip.

    The system performs the following set of actions:

    • The event status is updated from Pending to Skipped.

    • The Status Update column is updated with the processing date and the user ID.

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