Withdrawing an Event of a Delinquency Process


To withdraw an event of a delinquency process, you should have:

  • Delinquency event defined in the application.

  • To Do Type and To Do Role defined in the application.


To withdraw an event of a delinquency process:

  1. Search for the delinquency process in the Delinquency Process Search screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the link in the Delinquency Process Information column corresponding to the delinquency process whose event you want to withdraw.
    The Delinquency Process screen appears.
  3. Ensure that the Approval Details zone is expanded.
  4. Click the Withdraw (The Withdraw Icon) icon in the Withdraw column corresponding to the approval entry which you want to withdraw.

    The confirmation dialog appears confirming whether you want to withdraw the approval entry.

  5. Click OK.
    The status of the approval entry is changed from Approval In Progress to Withdrawn.

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How to search for a delinquency process Searching for a Delinquency Process
Delinquency Process screen Delinquency Process (Used for Viewing)
Approval Details zone Approval Details