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Updated: June 2017

PrintPerf (3p)


PrintPerf - A utility function of the SuperLU solver that prints statistics collected by the computational routines.


#include <sunperf.h>

void sPrintPerf(SuperMatrix *L, SuperMatrix *U, mem_usage_t *mem_usage,
float rpg,  float  rcond,  float  *ferr,  float  *berr,  char
*equed, SuperLUStat_t *stat);

void dPrintPerf(SuperMatrix *L, SuperMatrix *U, mem_usage_t *mem_usage,
double rpg, double rcond, double *ferr,  double  *berr,  char
*equed, SuperLUStat_t *stat);

void cPrintPerf(SuperMatrix *L, SuperMatrix *U, mem_usage_t *mem_usage,
complex rpg, complex rcond,  complex  *ferr,  complex  *berr,
char *equed, SuperLUStat_t *stat);

void zPrintPerf(SuperMatrix *L, SuperMatrix *U, mem_usage_t *mem_usage,
doublecomplex rpg, doublecomplex rcond, doublecomplex  *ferr,
doublecomplex *berr, char *equed, SuperLUStat_t *stat);

void sPrintPerf_64(SuperMatrix_64 *L, SuperMatrix_64 *U, mem_usage_t_64
*mem_usage, float rpg, float rcond, float *ferr, float *berr,
char *equed, SuperLUStat_t_64 *stat);

void dPrintPerf_64(SuperMatrix_64 *L, SuperMatrix_64 *U, mem_usage_t_64
*mem_usage, double rpg, double rcond,  double  *ferr,  double
*berr, char *equed, SuperLUStat_t_64 *stat);

void cPrintPerf_64(SuperMatrix_64 *L, SuperMatrix_64 *U, mem_usage_t_64
*mem_usage, complex rpg, complex rcond, complex  *ferr,  com-
plex *berr, char *equed, SuperLUStat_t_64 *stat);

void zPrintPerf_64(SuperMatrix_64 *L, SuperMatrix_64 *U, mem_usage_t_64
*mem_usage, doublecomplex rpg, doublecomplex  rcond,  double-
complex  *ferr,  doublecomplex  *berr, char *equed, SuperLUS-
tat_t_64 *stat);


Oracle Solaris Studio Performance Library                        PrintPerf(3P)

       PrintPerf:  cPrintPerf,  dPrintPerf, sPrintPerf, zPrintPerf - A utility
       function of the SuperLU solver that prints statistics collected by  the
       computational routines.

       #include <sunperf.h>

       void sPrintPerf(SuperMatrix *L, SuperMatrix *U, mem_usage_t *mem_usage,
                 float rpg,  float  rcond,  float  *ferr,  float  *berr,  char
                 *equed, SuperLUStat_t *stat);

       void dPrintPerf(SuperMatrix *L, SuperMatrix *U, mem_usage_t *mem_usage,
                 double rpg, double rcond, double *ferr,  double  *berr,  char
                 *equed, SuperLUStat_t *stat);

       void cPrintPerf(SuperMatrix *L, SuperMatrix *U, mem_usage_t *mem_usage,
                 complex rpg, complex rcond,  complex  *ferr,  complex  *berr,
                 char *equed, SuperLUStat_t *stat);

       void zPrintPerf(SuperMatrix *L, SuperMatrix *U, mem_usage_t *mem_usage,
                 doublecomplex rpg, doublecomplex rcond, doublecomplex  *ferr,
                 doublecomplex *berr, char *equed, SuperLUStat_t *stat);

       void sPrintPerf_64(SuperMatrix_64 *L, SuperMatrix_64 *U, mem_usage_t_64
                 *mem_usage, float rpg, float rcond, float *ferr, float *berr,
                 char *equed, SuperLUStat_t_64 *stat);

       void dPrintPerf_64(SuperMatrix_64 *L, SuperMatrix_64 *U, mem_usage_t_64
                 *mem_usage, double rpg, double rcond,  double  *ferr,  double
                 *berr, char *equed, SuperLUStat_t_64 *stat);

       void cPrintPerf_64(SuperMatrix_64 *L, SuperMatrix_64 *U, mem_usage_t_64
                 *mem_usage, complex rpg, complex rcond, complex  *ferr,  com-
                 plex *berr, char *equed, SuperLUStat_t_64 *stat);

       void zPrintPerf_64(SuperMatrix_64 *L, SuperMatrix_64 *U, mem_usage_t_64
                 *mem_usage, doublecomplex rpg, doublecomplex  rcond,  double-
                 complex  *ferr,  doublecomplex  *berr, char *equed, SuperLUS-
                 tat_t_64 *stat);

       PrintPerf() is called following the execution of expert driver  routine
       sgssvx to print various statistics collected during the computation.

       Statistics printed include:

       Floating point operation count of the factorization

       Floating point operation count of the solve

       Number of nonzeros in factor L

       Number of nonzeros in factor U

       Total memory needed (in MB) for factors L and U

       Total memory needed (in MB) needed for the factorization

       Amount of memory allocated (in MB) in the expansions

       Time and Megaflop rate of the factorization

       Time and Megaflop rate of the solve

       The reciprocal pivot growth factor

       The estimate of the reciprocal condition number of the input matrix A

       The estimated forward error bound for the solution vector

       The componentwise relative backward error of the solution vector

       Whether equilibration was performed

       SuperMatrix *L (input)
                 Factor L from the factorization

       SuperMatrix *U (input)
                 Factor U from the factorization

       mem_usage_t *mem_usage (input)
                 Data  structure holding the memory requirement of the factor-

       float rpg (input)
                 The reciprocal pivot growth factor computed during  the  fac-

       float rcond (input)
                 The estimate of the reciprocal condition number of the matrix
                 A after equilibration (if done).

       float *ferr (input)
                 Address of the estimated forward error bound for a particular
                 solution vector

       float *berr (input)
                 Address  of  the  componentwise  relative backward error of a
                 particular solution vector

       char *equed (input)
                 Address of the flag that specified the form of  equilibration
                 that was done

       SuperLUStat_t *stat (input)
                 Data structure that holds the statistics collected during the






       James W. Demmel, Stanley C. Eisenstat, John R. Gilbert,  Xiaoye  S.  Li
       and  Joseph  W. H. Liu, "A supernodal approach to sparse partial pivot-
       ing", SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and Applications, Vol. 20, Num. 3,  1999,
       pp. 720-755.

                                  7 Nov 2015                     PrintPerf(3P)