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Updated: June 2017

zCreate_SuperNode_Matrix (3p)


zCreate_SuperNode_Matrix - ode_Matrix, sCreate_SuperNode_Matrix, zCreate_SuperNode_Matrix - A utility C function in the serial SuperLU solver that creates a SuperMa- trix in supernodal format.


#include <sunperf.h>

void sCreate_SuperNode_Matrix(SuperMatrix *L, int m, int  n,  int  nnz,
float   *nzval,   int   *nzval_colptr,   int   *rowind,   int
*rowind_colptr, int  *col_to_sup,  int  *sup_to_col,  Stype_t
stype, Dtype_t dtype, Mtype_t mtype)

void  dCreate_SuperNode_Matrix(SuperMatrix  *L,  int m, int n, int nnz,
double  *nzval,   int   *nzval_colptr,   int   *rowind,   int
*rowind_colptr,  int  *col_to_sup,  int  *sup_to_col, Stype_t
stype, Dtype_t dtype, Mtype_t mtype)

void cCreate_SuperNode_Matrix(SuperMatrix *L, int m, int  n,  int  nnz,
complex   *nzval,   int   *nzval_colptr,   int  *rowind,  int
*rowind_colptr, int  *col_to_sup,  int  *sup_to_col,  Stype_t
stype, Dtype_t dtype, Mtype_t mtype)

void  cCreate_SuperNode_Matrix(SuperMatrix  *L,  int m, int n, int nnz,
doublecomplex *nzval, int  *nzval_colptr,  int  *rowind,  int
*rowind_colptr,  int  *col_to_sup,  int  *sup_to_col, Stype_t
stype, Dtype_t dtype, Mtype_t mtype)

void sCreate_SuperNode_Matrix_64(SuperMatrix_64 *L, int m, int  n,  int
nnz,  float  *nzval,  int  *nzval_colptr,  int  *rowind,  int
*rowind_colptr, int  *col_to_sup,  int  *sup_to_col,  Stype_t
stype, Dtype_t dtype, Mtype_t mtype)

void  dCreate_SuperNode_Matrix_64(SuperMatrix_64  *L, int m, int n, int
nnz, double  *nzval,  int  *nzval_colptr,  int  *rowind,  int
*rowind_colptr,  int  *col_to_sup,  int  *sup_to_col, Stype_t
stype, Dtype_t dtype, Mtype_t mtype)

void cCreate_SuperNode_Matrix_64(SuperMatrix_64 *L, int m, int  n,  int
nnz,  complex  *nzval,  int  *nzval_colptr,  int *rowind, int
*rowind_colptr, int  *col_to_sup,  int  *sup_to_col,  Stype_t
stype, Dtype_t dtype, Mtype_t mtype)

void  zCreate_SuperNode_Matrix_64(SuperMatrix_64  *L, int m, int n, int
nnz, doublecomplex *nzval, int  *nzval_colptr,  int  *rowind,
int *rowind_colptr, int *col_to_sup, int *sup_to_col, Stype_t
stype, Dtype_t dtype, Mtype_t mtype)


Oracle Solaris Studio Performance Library

       Create_SuperNode_Matrix:    cCreate_SuperNode_Matrix,   dCreate_SuperN-
       ode_Matrix,  sCreate_SuperNode_Matrix,  zCreate_SuperNode_Matrix  -   A
       utility C function in the serial SuperLU solver that creates a SuperMa-
       trix in supernodal format.

       #include <sunperf.h>

       void sCreate_SuperNode_Matrix(SuperMatrix *L, int m, int  n,  int  nnz,
                 float   *nzval,   int   *nzval_colptr,   int   *rowind,   int
                 *rowind_colptr, int  *col_to_sup,  int  *sup_to_col,  Stype_t
                 stype, Dtype_t dtype, Mtype_t mtype)

       void  dCreate_SuperNode_Matrix(SuperMatrix  *L,  int m, int n, int nnz,
                 double  *nzval,   int   *nzval_colptr,   int   *rowind,   int
                 *rowind_colptr,  int  *col_to_sup,  int  *sup_to_col, Stype_t
                 stype, Dtype_t dtype, Mtype_t mtype)

       void cCreate_SuperNode_Matrix(SuperMatrix *L, int m, int  n,  int  nnz,
                 complex   *nzval,   int   *nzval_colptr,   int  *rowind,  int
                 *rowind_colptr, int  *col_to_sup,  int  *sup_to_col,  Stype_t
                 stype, Dtype_t dtype, Mtype_t mtype)

       void  cCreate_SuperNode_Matrix(SuperMatrix  *L,  int m, int n, int nnz,
                 doublecomplex *nzval, int  *nzval_colptr,  int  *rowind,  int
                 *rowind_colptr,  int  *col_to_sup,  int  *sup_to_col, Stype_t
                 stype, Dtype_t dtype, Mtype_t mtype)

       void sCreate_SuperNode_Matrix_64(SuperMatrix_64 *L, int m, int  n,  int
                 nnz,  float  *nzval,  int  *nzval_colptr,  int  *rowind,  int
                 *rowind_colptr, int  *col_to_sup,  int  *sup_to_col,  Stype_t
                 stype, Dtype_t dtype, Mtype_t mtype)

       void  dCreate_SuperNode_Matrix_64(SuperMatrix_64  *L, int m, int n, int
                 nnz, double  *nzval,  int  *nzval_colptr,  int  *rowind,  int
                 *rowind_colptr,  int  *col_to_sup,  int  *sup_to_col, Stype_t
                 stype, Dtype_t dtype, Mtype_t mtype)

       void cCreate_SuperNode_Matrix_64(SuperMatrix_64 *L, int m, int  n,  int
                 nnz,  complex  *nzval,  int  *nzval_colptr,  int *rowind, int
                 *rowind_colptr, int  *col_to_sup,  int  *sup_to_col,  Stype_t
                 stype, Dtype_t dtype, Mtype_t mtype)

       void  zCreate_SuperNode_Matrix_64(SuperMatrix_64  *L, int m, int n, int
                 nnz, doublecomplex *nzval, int  *nzval_colptr,  int  *rowind,
                 int *rowind_colptr, int *col_to_sup, int *sup_to_col, Stype_t
                 stype, Dtype_t dtype, Mtype_t mtype)

       Create_SuperNode_Matrix() creates a SuperMatrix in supernodal format.

       SuperMatrix *A (output)
                 On exit, A holds an allocated  matrix  as  well  as  all  the
                 describing elements of the structure object.

       int m (input)
                 m specifies the number of rows of the matrix to be created.

       int n (input)
                 n  specifies  the  number of columns of the matrix to be cre-

       int nnz (input)
                 nnz specifies the number of nonzeros of the matrix to be cre-

       float *nzval (input)
                 nzval  is  an  array  that contains the nonzero values of the
                 matrix, packed by column.

       int *nzval_colptr (input)
                 pointer to array of  beginning of columns in nzval[]

       int *rowind (input)
                 pointer to  array  of  compressed row indices of  rectangular

       int *rowind_colptr (input)
                 pointer to array of beginning of columns in rowind[]

       int *col_to_sup (input)
                 col_to_sup[j]  is  the  supernode  number   to which column j
                 belongs; mapping from column to supernode number.

       int *sup_to_col (input)
                 sup_to_col[s] points to the start of the s-th supernode; map-
                 ping from supernode number to column.

       Stype_t stype (input)
                 stype  =  SLU_SC,  which specifies the column-wise, supernode
                 storage structure to be created.

       Dtype_t dtype (input)
                 dtype specifies the data type of the matrix to be created.

       Mtype_t mtype (input)
                 mtype specifies the mathematical property of the matrix to be




       James  W.  Demmel,  Stanley C. Eisenstat, John R. Gilbert, Xiaoye S. Li
       and Joseph W. H. Liu, "A supernodal approach to sparse  partial  pivot-
       ing",  SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and Applications, Vol. 20, Num. 3, 1999,
       pp. 720-755.

                                  7 Nov 2015