- Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) encoding conversion utility
idnconv [-i in-code | --in in-code | -f in-code | --from in-code] [-o out-code | --out out-code | -t out-code | --to out-code] [-a | --asciicheck | --ascii-check] [-A | --noasciicheck | --no-ascii-check] [-b | --bidicheck | --bidi-check] [-B | --nobidicheck | --no-bidi-check] [-l | --lengthcheck | --length-check] [-L | --nolengthcheck | --no-length-check] [-n | --nameprep] [-N | --nonameprep | --no-nameprep] [-u | --unassigncheck | --unassign-check] [-U | --nounassigncheck | --no-unassign-check] [-h | --help] [-v | --version] [file]...
idnconv converts the codeset or encoding of given text, if applicable. You can change the conversion with different options. idnconv reads from file or standard input and writes the results to standard output.
When more than one IDN names or labels are supplied as input, such names or labels can be delimitered by using white-space characters of the POSIX locale or the label separators defined in the RFC 3490.
The main use for idnconv is to convert Internationalized Domain Names in one codeset or encoding to another codeset or encoding. For instance, you can use the utility to convert IDN names in UTF-8 codeset to ASCII Compatible Encoding (ACE) encoded IDN names in 7-bit ASCII. For any other codeset conversion purposes, use iconv(1) instead.
The following options are supported:
During IDN conversion process, enforce ASCII character range checks.
This is identical to setting the UseSTD3ASCIIRules flag described in RFC 3490. For more details on the ASCII character range checks, refer to idn_decodename(3EXT) and RFC 3490. This is the default.
During IDN conversion process, do not perform ASCII character range checks.
This is identical to unsetting the UseSTD3ASCIIRules flag described in RFC 3490. For more details on the ASCII character range checks, refer to idn_decodename(3EXT) and RFC 3490.
During IDN conversion process, enforce checkings on bidirectional strings as specified in RFC 3491 and RFC 3454.
This is the default.
During IDN conversion process, do not perform checkings on bidirectional strings which is specified in RFC 3491 and RFC 3454.
Print information about the utility and the options it supports.
All other options and operands if any are ignored.
Identify the input codeset with the in-code argument. All iconv code conversion names that can be converted to UTF-8 can be used as the value of the in-code. If not supplied, the current locale's codeset is assumed as the codeset of the input. The utility also checks each individual name in the actual input and if the name is in ACE, the ACE is assumed as the in-code for the name.
During IDN conversion process, enforce label length check.
See idn_decodename(3EXT) and RFC 3490. This ensures that the length of each label is in the range of 1 to 63. This is the default.
During IDN conversion process, do not perform label length check.
See idn_decodename(3EXT) and RFC 3490.
During IDN conversion process, enforce Nameprep step as specified in the RFC 3490, RFC 3491, and RFC 3454. This is the default.
During IDN conversion process, do not perform Nameprep step. For more details on the Nameprep, refer to idn_decodename(3EXT), RFC 3490, RFC 3491, and RFC 3454.
Identify the output codeset with the out-code argument.
All iconv code conversion names that can be converted to UTF-8 can be used as the value of the out-code. If not supplied, the current locale's codeset is assumed as the codeset of the output; if the in-code is ACE, then, the utility tries to convert names from actual input to non-ACE IDN names in the output codeset.
During IDN conversion process, enforce unassigned character checking.
This is identical to unsetting the AllowUnassigned flag described in the RFC 3490. This option is useful when the IDN names are converted for storing purpose or to give the names to server machines. For more details on the unassigned character checking, refer to RFC 3490, RFC 3491, and RFC 3454. This is the default.
During IDN conversion process, do not perform unassigned character checking.
This is identical to setting the AllowUnassigned flag described in the RFC 3490. This option is useful when the IDN names are converted for the query purpose. For more details on the unassigned character checking, refer to RFC 3490, RFC 3491, and RFC 3454.
Prints information about the utility's name, version, and legal status. All other options and operands if any are ignored.
The following operands are supported:
A path name of the input file to be converted. If file is omitted, the standard input is used.
Example 1 Converting IDN Names
The following example converts IDN names.
It reads names in the current locale's codeset from standard input. It converts and writes the converted results to results.txt file. If the names given to the utility are in ACE, the results are non-ACE IDN names in the current locale's codeset. If the names given to the utility are in non-ACE IDN names, the results are IDN names in ACE.
example% idnconv > results.txt
Example 2 Converting an ACE Encoded IDN Name
The following example converts an ACE encoded IDN name into an IDN name in UTF-8.
It reads xn--1lq90i which is in ACE encoding from standard input. It writes the converted results to file Beijing-UTF-8.txt. The file contains Beijing in two Chinese letters in UTF-8 codeset.
example% idnconv -t UTF-8 > Beijing-UTF-8.txt xn--1lq90i CTRLd
Example 3 Converting Names in KOI8-R Cyrillic Single Byte Codeset
The following example converts names in KOI8-R Cyrillic single byte codeset to ACE encoded names.
It reads from file inputfile.txt which is in KOI8-R. It writes the converted results to standard output. The results are in ACE encoding.
example% idnconv --in KOI8-R --out ACE inputfile.txt xn--80adxhks xn--90aqflb3d1a xn--80aesccdb4a2a8c example%
Example 4 Converting Names for Storing Purpose
The following example converts names for storing purposes.
It reads from file inputfile.txt that is in ISO8859-1. It converts and writes the results to the outputfile.txt in ACE. It also yields ACE names that are good to be used as server names.
example% idnconv --from ISO8859-1 --to ACE --unassign-check\ inputfile.txt > outputfile.txt
Example 5 Converting Names for Query Purposes
The following example converts names for query purposes.
It reads from standard input in the current locale's codeset. It converts and writes the results to the outputfile.txt in ACE:
example% idnconv -U -t ACE > outputfile.txt
See environ(5) for descriptions of the following environment variables that affect the execution of idnconv: LANG, LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE, LC_MESSAGES, and NLSPATH.
The following exit values are returned:
Successful completion.
Not supported in-code or out-code value.
ASCII character range checking has failed.
Checkings on bidirectional strings have failed.
Label length checking has failed.
Nameprep step reported an error.
Unassigned character has been found.
Illegal or unknown option has been supplied.
Input file cannot be found.
Not enough memory.
During internal iconv code conversions, conversion error occurred.
During internal iconv code conversions, non-identical code conversion has happened.
Unspecified error occurred.
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:
iconv(1), iconv(3C), iconv_close(3C), iconv_open(3C), idn_decodename(3EXT), idn_decodename(3EXT), idn_decodename(3EXT), attributes(5), environ(5), iconv(5)
RFC 3490 Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)
RFC 3491 Nameprep: A Stringprep Profile for Internationalized Domain Names (IDN)
RFC 3492 Punycode: A Bootstring encoding of Unicode for Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)
RFC 3454 Preparation of Internationalized Strings ("stringprep")
RFC 952 DoD Internet Host Table Specification
RFC 921 Domain Name System Implementation Schedule - Revised
STD 3, RFC 1122 Requirements for Internet Hosts -- Communication Layers
STD 3, RFC 1123 Requirements for Internet Hosts -- Applications and Support
Unicode Standard Annex #15: Unicode Normalization Forms, Version 3.2.0.http://www.unicode.org
International Language Environments Guide
For the generic information on IDN in applications, refer to RFC 3490 and the International Language Environments Guide.
There are some distinctions between the storing purpose and the querying purpose when you decide on the names of systems. For more details on the terms and distinctions, refer to RFC 3454.