- add entries to the system log
/usr/ucb/logger [-f filename] [-i] [-p priority] [-t tag] mm [message]...
The logger utility provides a method for adding one-line entries to the system log file from the command line. One or more message arguments can be given on the command line, in which case each is logged immediately. If message is unspecified, either the file indicated with -f or the standard input is added to the log. Otherwise, a filename can be specified, in which case each line in the file is logged. If neither is specified, logger reads and logs messages on a line-by-line basis from the standard input.
The following options are supported:
Log the process ID of the logger process with each line.
Use the contents of filename as the message to log.
Enter the message with the specified priority. The message priority can be specified numerically, or as a facility.level pair. For example, `-p local3.info' assigns the message priority to the info level in the local3 facility. The default priority is user.notice.
Mark each line added to the log with the specified tag.
Example 1 Logging a message
The command:
example% logger System rebooted
will log the message `System rebooted' to the facility at priority notice to be treated by syslogd as other messages to the facility notice are.
Example 2 Logging messages from a file
The command:
example% logger -p local0.notice -t HOSTIDM -f /dev/idmc
will read from the file /dev/idmc and will log each line in that file as a message with the tag `HOSTIDM' at priority notice to be treated by syslogd as other messages to the facility local0 are.
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: