Oracle® Solaris Studio 12.4: IDE Quick Start Tutorial

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Updated: October 2014

Code Assistance Cache Sharing

When parsing C/C++ source code, the IDE stores parse results on a disk in the Code Assistance cache. When you open a project, the IDE examines the cache to see if it is up to date. If the cache is up to date, the IDE does not parse your project and just loads the required data for code navigation form the Code Assistance cache.

By default, the IDE creates one code assistance cache for all your projects in your user directory in the $userdir/var/cahche folder. The cache in your user directory cannot be copied or shared to another location.

However, if the Code Assistance cache is placed inside a project, it can be copied to another computer if the computer's operating system is identical to the operating system where the code was parsed and if the tool collection used by the project is available in the same location on the computer.

For more information about Code Assistance Cache sharing and to learn how to instruct the IDE to please the Code Assistance cache inside your project metadata, see Code Assistance Cache Sharing in What’s New in Oracle Solaris Studio 12.4 and Relocating the Code Assistance Cache for Version Controlled Projects in the IDE help.