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Oracle® Server X5-2L Installation Guide

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Updated: January 2021

Configure the Preinstalled Oracle Solaris Operating System

After you have completed the configuration worksheet, use the following procedure to configure the preinstalled Oracle Solaris operating system.

  1. If you are not already logged in to Oracle ILOM, log in either locally from a serial connection, or remotely from an Ethernet connection.

    See Connecting to Oracle ILOM.

  2. Power on or reset the server, as follows:
    • To power on the server, use one of the following methods:

      • From the Oracle ILOM web interface, select Host Management → Power Control, and in the Select Action list box, click Power On. Click Save, and then click OK.

      • From the Oracle ILOM CLI, type the following command from the prompt:

        -> start /System

        When prompted, type y to confirm:

        Are you sure you want to start /System (y/n)? y

        Starting /System

    • To reset the server, use one of the following methods:

      • From the Oracle ILOM web interface, select Host Management → Power Control, and in the Select Action list box, click Reset. Click Save, and then click OK.

      • From the Oracle ILOM CLI, type the following command from the prompt:

        -> reset /System

        When prompted, type y to confirm:

        Are you sure you want to reset /System (y/n)? y

        Serial console started.

    The server begins the boot process.

  3. Start the remote host console using one of the following methods:
    • From the Oracle ILOM web interface, select Remote Control → Redirection, and then click the Launch Remote Console button to launch video console redirection.

    • From the Oracle ILOM CLI, type:

      -> start /HOST/console

      When prompted, type y to confirm:

    Are you sure you want to start /HOST/console (y/n)? y

    Serial console started.

    After the server boots, the GRUB menu appears.

    GNU GRUB Version 1.99 ,
    Oracle Solaris 11.2 SRU5 - Serial Port ttya
    Oracle Solaris 11.2 SRU5 - Graphics Adapter

    Note -  By default, the system displays the output to the serial port. If you do not select an option on the GRUB menu, within five seconds, the GRUB menu is no longer available, and the system continues with the output directed to the serial port.
  4. From the GRUB menu, use the up and down arrow keys to select the display option, and then press Enter.

    You can choose whether you want to continue to direct the display to the serial output or direct the display to a device connected to the video port.

    • If you are using the Oracle ILOM CLI (or a serial port connection), select the serial port option, and press Enter:

      Oracle Solaris 11.2 SRU5 - Serial Port ttya

    • If you are using the Oracle ILOM Remote System Console Plus (or a direct video connection), select the video port option, and press Enter:

      Oracle Solaris 11.2 SRU5 - Graphics Adapter

      Note -  If you choose to display output to the video port, you must connect a device to the VGA connector on the server and an input device (USB keyboard or mouse) and then complete the configuration from that device. See Cabling the Server and Applying Power for information about attaching devices to the server. You can also use the Oracle ILOM Remote Console Plus feature, which acts as a remote KVM.
  5. When the Oracle Solaris configuration begins, follow the on-screen prompts to configure the operating system.

    Use the information you collected earlier about your organization and network environment.

    The screens that are displayed will vary, depending on the method that you chose for assigning network information to the server (DHCP or static IP address).

  6. Complete the configuration procedure by entering a system root password (required) and your information for a user account.

    Note -  For increased security, create a standalone user account.
  7. When Oracle Solaris configuration is complete, end your console session using one of the following methods:
    • From the Oracle ILOM web interface, close the Remote System Console Plus window, and then log out from Oracle ILOM.

    • From the Oracle ILOM CLI, press Esc followed by the open parenthesis ( character (Shift+9), and then log out of Oracle ILOM.

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