SKU properties are used for display purposes, in a similar way to products and category properties. The properties are also used to integrate with other Oracle Commerce Core Commerce systems, such as pricing and fulfillment.

You can work with the following SKU properties in the Details pane. The properties described in this section are the SKU properties that come with Merchandising by default. Your administrator might have added new SKU properties that are specific to your Web sites.

General Tab



Display name

Name used for the SKU on the site.

This property is required.

The name does not have to be unique, as Merchandising assigns a unique ID to each asset you create.

Online Only

Specifies whether the item is available for in-store pickup.

If the Online Only value is set to No (default), the item is available for in-store pickup. If the Online Only value is set to Yes, the item is not available for in-store pickup and can only be purchased online.


In a multisite environment, the names of the sites to which the SKU belongs.

This property is read-only. See Assets in a Multisite Environment.

Start date

Date on which the SKU is available, if a collection filter is implemented to use this property.

See the Personalization Programming Guide for information on filtering.

End date

Date the SKU is no longer available, if a collection filter is implemented to use this property.

See the Personalization Programming Guide for information on filtering.

Default description

Short descriptive text for display with the SKU.


JSP template used to display the SKU.

For details about working with templates, see Creating and Managing Catalog Media Assets and Folders.

Fractional Quantities Allowed

Enables fractional quantities for this SKU. Indicates that a SKU can be sold in a fractional quantity. The default setting is false. Note that if the product of a SKU will override any fractional quantities set on the SKU.


Indicates the quantity of the SKU that can be sold in a particular unit of measure, for example 1 pound of apples or 1 yard of fabric.

Unit Of Measure (UOM)

If a SKU can be sold in fractional quantities and has a UOM configuration, it is assumed that the SKU is a full unit. If the Fractional Quantities Allowed property is set to false, the UOM will not be used. If a SKU is associated with a UOM, the SKU uses its own UOM value and configuration. If the SKU does not have a UOM, it uses that of the parent product.

When the Fractional Quantities Allowed property is set to true, this property indicates the various options for how the SKU is sold.

Parent products

Products that contain this SKU.

This property is read-only. To change this SKU’s parents, see Creating and Managing Products.

Catalog Media Tab

Categories, products, and SKUs all have the same set of media properties: a template (on the General tab), thumbnail image, small image, large image, and auxiliary media. Your Web sites may not need all of these properties. For example, at most commerce sites, each SKU would not be displayed in its own template page. More commonly, a product’s template page displays all child SKUs of the product.

Categories, products, and SKUs all have the same set of media properties to give you as much flexibility as possible when setting up your catalog. For example, you might want to associate certain media items with products rather than SKUs. If SKUs are differentiated by a visible characteristic such as color, you might want to have different image for each SKU, rather than having a single set of images associated with the parent product.

For details about working with Media properties, see Creating and Managing Catalog Media Assets and Folders.

SKU Pricing Tab

SKU pricing is a simple pricing method that uses the product or SKU catalog page to assign a list price and, optionally, a sale price, to the SKU. SKU prices are independent of price lists. Depending on how your administrator configured Merchandising, you might not see the SKU Pricing tab on a SKU’s Details pane. For example, if your catalog uses price lists, the SKU Pricing tab will likely not appear.



List price

Default price of the SKU before any discounts or promotions.

On sale

Boolean (yes/no) property that indicates if the item is on sale.

Sale price

Price of the SKU if the On Sale property is set to Yes.

Wholesale price

Wholesale price of the SKU.

Price Lists Tab

Price Lists allow you to target a specific set of prices to a specific group of customers. For example, price lists can be used to implement business to business pricing where each customer can have its own unique pricing for products based on contracts, Requests for Quotes, and pre-negotiated prices. For details about working with the Price Lists tab, see Working with SKU Prices later in this chapter.

Note: Depending on how your administrator configured Merchandising, you might not see the Price Lists tab on a SKU’s Details pane.

Advanced Tab



Bundle links

List of SKU links that make up a SKU bundle. If this property editor is empty, the SKU is not a bundle.

Derived catalogs

Used to determine if an end user has permission to view this SKU.

This property is read-only.

Dynamic attributes

Additional configurable attributes of the SKU, specified as a key/value pair for each attribute you define. For example, you could specify the key/value pair color/red or size/small.


Specifies whether or not the item is eligible to receive discounts through promotions.

For more information about promotions, see Creating and Managing Promotions and Coupons.


Fulfiller who will ship the item.

Replacement products

Products to suggest as replacements if the item is out of stock.


Indicates if the SKU cannot be returned.

External ID

Represents a unique identifier for the SKU to be used within a third-party configurator.

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